Sales Appointment - The Dog

Written by Birmingham UK Com

Continued from page 1

Fortunately his dog hadn't put him off signingrepparttar documents andrepparttar 118111 deal was done. As I was about to go he seemed a bit more relaxed. I exchanged small talk inrepparttar 118112 hallway and told him if there was anything else I could do he only needed to call me.

At this point he looked concerned and seemed a bit hesitant. I asked him if everything was OK. Just as he was about to answerrepparttar 118113 doorbell rang. Some young kid atrepparttar 118114 door, " Hey Mister, you seen my dog?"

At that point, hearing his masters callrepparttar 118115 hound made a bolt forrepparttar 118116 open doorway and ran out intorepparttar 118117 road. To say we were both amazed was an understatement. Just why hadn'trepparttar 118118 guy said anything? When I questioned him on this he said "Well apart from its little accident it seemed like a nice dog and I didn't want to complain".

I laughed and I cried allrepparttar 118119 way home.

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Getting Older

Written by Birmingham UK Com

Continued from page 1

65 - 75 Having retired I am so glad to be out ofrepparttar rat race. I worry if I will have enough money to live on and whether my children's visits will continue to get less and less frequent. I wonder what happens when my limbs fail to carry me any longer and which nursing home I will end up in before I die. I am most worried about my frailty and crime. I worry about being vulnerable to criminals and I thinkrepparttar 118110 world is going inrepparttar 118111 wrong direction. No one cares aboutrepparttar 118112 elderly - exceptrepparttar 118113 elderly.

People's views do changerepparttar 118114 older they get andrepparttar 118115 closer they get to death. However, perhapsrepparttar 118116 biggest worry for anyone aroundrepparttar 118117 35-55 year age should berepparttar 118118 lack of pension provision they are likely to receive in retirement unless of course they have made other plans. Things are going to get much worse for pensioners - not better!

Anyone younger than 35? Hey, you still have a chance to do something about it...

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