Sales and the Art of Private Investigation

Written by Leroy Cook

Continued from page 1

One ofrepparttar toughest sales tools to master, either while selling or investigating, isrepparttar 119303 proper and effective handling of objections. We recently conducted a marketing program offering a free book to potential clients of investigators. When a book was requested we gave local ION membersrepparttar 119304 opportunity to deliverrepparttar 119305 book. Deliveringrepparttar 119306 book was meant to be a door opener forrepparttar 119307 investigators to meet and hopefully sell themselves to possible clients. As with gettingrepparttar 119308 order for a referred investigation, some of our members succeeded in meeting with and establishing rapport with most ofrepparttar 119309 leads provided. Others complained that none, or very few ofrepparttar 119310 clients contacted aboutrepparttar 119311 book were willing to meet with them. A good salesman knowsrepparttar 119312 sale begins whenrepparttar 119313 prospect says no. To sell something, even yourself, to someone who accepts what you offer with no hesitation does not require a salesperson. Easy sales only require order takers and clerks. You won't find many millionaire or CEO former order takers or clerks but there are countless millionaire and CEO former salespeople.

Have you ever had someone call about possibly doing an investigation and they talk a lot but never turn into a client ? Whatever their reason was for not going ahead with workingrepparttar 119314 case is known is sales as an objection. Maybe it was your price or what you said or failed to say but, usually it is their inability to make a decision. In many such cases, offering them a choice instead of leavingrepparttar 119315 decision up to them would have been a service to them. It would have eased their stress by helping them decisively deal with one more thing in their life and for you, it would have maderepparttar 119316 difference between an almost case and money inrepparttar 119317 bank for you. Most people, even attorneys and SIU directors sometimes need help making decisions to do things they know they should do. Making decisions involves risk whereas doing nothing seems more safe. Inertia onrepparttar 119318 part of potential clients costs private investigators who refuse to acceptrepparttar 119319 need to sell themselves, more than 25% of what their incomes could otherwise be. Our "cancellation rate" statistics from 20,000 referrals demonstraterepparttar 119320 difference between PI's who know how to close a sale and those who don't. Here is a sample choice question to try after discussingrepparttar 119321 potential case. "Shall we start on that this week or next?"

No one should sell people things or services they don't need. The main difference between a professional salesperson and a high pressure salesman is their sensitivity torepparttar 119322 interests of others. The high pressure salesman I described atrepparttar 119323 beginning of this article didn't care aboutrepparttar 119324 farmers situation. Con artists who call themselves private investigators don't care aboutrepparttar 119325 problems of their mark. The goal is not to turn private investigators into high pressure salespeople or con artists. Professional private investigators care about people and enjoy helping solve their problems. Learning professional sales skills however, will make you a better investigator and a more successful and affluent businessperson. If you would like ideas on how to get sales training and/or skills, send me a note online to

Published in PI Magazine - Fall 1998

Copyright © 2000 by ION Incorporated - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Leroy Cook has over 15 years experience as a Private Investigator. Leroy Cook is president of ION Incorporated, a worldwide private investigator referral service since 1990.

Making Your Business Legal

Written by Brett Krkosska

Continued from page 1

5. Pay Self-Employment Tax

You must pay self-employment tax on income over $400 using Schedule SE. Why? Because you are required to pay your fair share into Social Security and Medicare. Oh joy!

6. Get a State Sales Tax Certificate

Contact your state treasury office for information on obtaining a sales tax certificate. This certificate obligates you to pay applicable sales tax on goods you sell. If your product is to be sold wholesale, or if you are buying materials wholesale, inquire about a resale certificate to avoid paying taxes twice.

7. Obey Zoning Regulations

Be sure to check with your city and county offices about zoning regulations for your business location. You don't want to be inrepparttar position of having to shut down later because of zoning violations.

8. Get Free Advice

Your local Small Business Administration office is a good place to learn more aboutrepparttar 119302 nuts and bolts of legally operating a small business in your area. This office can answer many, if not all of your questions about doing business locally. Another important resource isrepparttar 119303 Service Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE) at This organization provides personalized and free counseling to assist you in makingrepparttar 119304 right decisions for your business.

Attending torepparttar 119305 above steps will put your business on a firm footing. Forrepparttar 119306 average home business, doing these things is enough to let you charge full speed ahead. However, no two businesses are alike, and it's not a bad idea to consult with a lawyer and accountant for additional information pertaining to your type of business. Doing so may prove valuable for you, both before startup and later on as your business becomes more complex.

Brett Krkosska provides 'how-to' advice on family and home-based work issues. Get start-up guidance, business ideas and inspiration at: Free ezine subscription:

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