Secrets That Most Vitamin Companies Don't Want You To Know!

Written by Travis Huteson

Continued from page 1

This ION test costs a doctor $545.00 which is then passed on torepparttar patient (probably at a higher price).

There is however, a simpler test that is much more cost effective...

A Simple URINE Test

Why Do You Need To Have A Urine Test?

This testing that identifiesrepparttar 115704 Exact Nutrients YOUR BODY must have in three key areas is -repparttar 115705 essential first step...You no longer have to guess which nutrients, out of a bewildering variety of "one-size-fits-all" nutritional supplements on store shelves, you should take. Scientific analysis of an overnight urine sample can provide you withrepparttar 115706 answer to which nutrients your body must have in order to protect your body against cellular damage from uncontrolled free radicals; eliminate harmful toxins in your body; and keep your body's immune, Vascular and Nervous systems in balance.

Can you afford this kind of testing? Yes, for a cost of just $79.95 you can have this special test.

Your test will identify:

Your ability to handle challenges to your body's antioxidant system

The level of nutrients needed to remove toxic substances from your body

Your ability to balance KEY compound that influences your important Immune, Nervous, and Cardio-Vascular Systems.

Daily intake ofrepparttar 115707 precise nutritional supplements YOUR BODY needs isrepparttar 115708 second essential step...When you receive your PrivaTest Analysis andrepparttar 115709 specific nutrients custom-made to match your body's needs based on your specific test results, age, and gender, you'll have in you handsrepparttar 115710 distillation of years of research on human nutrition, herbal medicine, biochemistry, and metabolic science. At this point in time, you now haverepparttar 115711 most powerful nutrition tool available to control your health!

What Happens To The Test Results?

Based on your test results, a Custom Blended Formula will be compounded from 48 possible permutations using whichever of 55 KEY NUTRIENTS you may need, inrepparttar 115712 amounts your body needs...Whatever variety of amino acids, antioxidants, phytonutrients, chelated minerals, or protective herbals your test calls for will be there, carefully balanced to work together to provide what your body's systems require.

This custom blended formula will then be shipped to you in a 30 day supply of (30 packets of 6 capsules) and all you have to do is take 1 packet per day!

The cost ofrepparttar 115713 Custom Essential Vitamins is only $44.75 per month with no obligation to continue afterrepparttar 115714 first month.

Now You Know The Story, Here Are Some Common Questions That We Come Across...

Q: How much does this urine test cost and can I get it anywhere?

A: The cost is $79.95 andrepparttar 115715 test is done inrepparttar 115716 comfort of your own home.

Q: How isrepparttar 115717 test administered as a home test?

A: The lab sends you a simple Home Urine Test Kit with complete and easy to follow instructions. Simply, you fill our a simple questionnaire, collect some urine (all materials are supplied inrepparttar 115718 kit), and fed exrepparttar 115719 sample back torepparttar 115720 lab for analysis.

Q: What happens afterrepparttar 115721 urine test?

A: The lab analyzesrepparttar 115722 urine sample, sendsrepparttar 115723 results torepparttar 115724 vitamin manufacturer who then blends a custom-made-vitamin just for you!

Q: How much doesrepparttar 115725 Custom-made-vitamin cost?

A: The cost forrepparttar 115726 custom-made-vitamins is only $44.75 per month. (o try and duplicate this same vitamin at a retail vitamin store would cost at least $150)

Q: Is there any type of commitment to continue takingrepparttar 115727 vitamins?

A: None. You can cancel at anytime (A very small percentage of people cancel after they experiencerepparttar 115728 benefits of feeling better and more energetic)

Q: How do I get started and order my Test Kit?

A: There are two ways to get started:

1. Call our toll free number at: (877)596-0215 for more information.

2. Send an e-mail to: and we will send you allrepparttar 115729 necessary documents to get started right away.

Good luck and please don't hesitate to call us anytime with any questions about this amazing vitamin breakthrough!

Involved in healthcare for last 10 years and an avid health, wellness, and nutrition practitioner.

'Beginnre's method ' for improving Mind, Body and Life

Written by Suryanarayana Rao C (short name : C S Rao)

Continued from page 1
described has been tested for last 2 years and found to give variety of benefits-mental, physical and in relationships to variety of people. It is now ranked #1 out of 994,000 pages selected by Google forrepparttar search words- controllingrepparttar 115703 mind-.

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