Ten Tips to Designing Training

Written by Jim M. Allen

Continued from page 1

7. The content expert may NOT berepparttar person to teachrepparttar 106534 class. Any trainer can tell you, just knowingrepparttar 106535 information of a course doesn't mean you can teach it. Find someone who knowsrepparttar 106536 information and can present it in an interesting and entertaining way. If there's nobody like that, hire a professional trainer or speaker to come in and be repparttar 106537 "MC" of your training and to help liven uprepparttar 106538 event.

8. Create an environment of "academic freedom." Letrepparttar 106539 students know thatrepparttar 106540 purpose ofrepparttar 106541 training is to give them information they need to do their jobs. Let them know that it's okay if they ask questions, challenge (within boundaries)repparttar 106542 instructors and material, don't grasp everything right. What's important is that everyone inrepparttar 106543 class getsrepparttar 106544 opportunity to getrepparttar 106545 information.

9. Provide them with allrepparttar 106546 information already written down. Make it easy forrepparttar 106547 students to focus onrepparttar 106548 information being given, not on trying to take notes. Have all ofrepparttar 106549 information written down and give it to them. Some students will always take notes no matter what you do,repparttar 106550 rest will appreciate being able to sit back, relax, and learn!

10. Follow up... but not too soon. Get feedback fromrepparttar 106551 students on all aspects ofrepparttar 106552 training. Ask what they liked and didn't like. But don't make itrepparttar 106553 last activity ofrepparttar 106554 training itself. Wait a day or two and send them a questionnaire. Make it possible for them to submit their comments completely anonymously. Some students just can't bring themselves to saying something negative if they know that you know who said it. Take allrepparttar 106555 pressure off of them, but get their input.

Jim Allen is a professional life & business coach. For more ideas, subscribe to his free bi-weekly ezine, THE BIG IDEA, by sending a blank email to: SubscribeGA@CoachJim.com

The Top 10 Traits of Terrific Trainers

Written by Jim M. Allen

Continued from page 1

6. They are time bandits.

One key to successful training courses is to start and stop on time. Great trainers can manipulate their material as needed so that they are ALWAYS on time.

7. They are masters of their domain.

Once inrepparttar training environment,repparttar 106533 trainer controls everything. To observers it may seem like chaos reigns, butrepparttar 106534 talented trainer keeps things moving forward and on topic.

8. They have their PhDs in people skills.

Regardless of scale, trainers are always interacting with many, many people. The best trainers deal effectively with personalities of all types, fromrepparttar 106535 ultra-shy torepparttar 106536 loud-and- belligerent.

9. They understand that learning is a life-long process.

Whilerepparttar 106537 course of class they teach may be short, top trainers make themselves available even afterrepparttar 106538 formal training has been completed.

10. They are constantly improving.

Great trainers actively search new ideas, tips and techniques to improverepparttar 106539 quality of their training, their delivery and their material.

Jim Allen is a professional life & business coach. For more ideas, subscribe to his free bi-weekly ezine, THE BIG IDEA, by sending a blank email to: SubscribeGA@CoachJim.com

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