The Affiliate Interview - Do you have what it takes?

Written by Marc Howlett

Continued from page 1

1) What makes you want to start your own business?

2) How many hours a week can you offerrepparttar business and do you have a quiet place to run your business from?

3) What specific skill can you bring to this business?

4) Where do you see yourself in 12 months time and what are your goals?

5) How much do you want to earn a month?

As I said these arerepparttar 108733 simple questions I asked myself, most of us have had a job interview or two so you can think aboutrepparttar 108734 questions you were asked and how they may relate to running your own business online.

You can also take this process one step further because as you start to succeed with your online business you will start to build your own down line. You need to look on these people as your employees and consider do they have what it takes to help you grow a winning company.

A great way to use this is when you send out your welcome email include a few simple interview questions. This will help you in 2 ways –

Firstly: You will learn more about you sign up and what their intentions are, this will help make any follow up more personal.

Secondly: Will they make a good employee? If so then spend some time on them and with your help they will grow their business which will in turn grow yours.

So would you employ yourself?

If you have decidedrepparttar 108735 answer is yes then its time to start your business and start taking on your first employees.

Just one last thought for you: “By working faithfully eight hours a day, you may eventually get to be a boss and work twelve hours a day.” Robert Frost

Marc Howlett is a sales professional with several years experience. Currently working full time as a sales director for a large import wholesale company. I am also making a full time living working part time online. For help and advice check out my website: For personal advice contact me by email:

12 Steps to Creating a Business Online

Written by Jim Edwards

Continued from page 1

Step 7 - Maintain, change, and update your site at least once a month. (The one exception to this rule are those one- page, sales letter websites. Once you have one of those that performs well and makes sales, don't change it!!)

Step 8 - Promote your site at every opportunity. Tell people about it. Put your web address on your business cards and in all your ads. Some companies even advertise their web address when they put you on hold onrepparttar telephone.

Step 9 - Give people a self-serving reason to visit your site. Coupon savings, discounts, special incentives, free information, and free newsletters represent excellent enticements for attracting visitors to your site.

Step 10 - Concentrate on obtaining an email address from every customer and potential customer.

Obtain permission to send periodic, value-added malings to your database.

Use a list server to organize and maintain your mailing list.

Step 11 - Always look for and userepparttar 108732 simplest solution or option.

Whether adding a shopping cart, database or other option to your e-commerce operation, seek out and userepparttar 108733 simplest answer for your needs.

Step 12 - Become educated and stay current inrepparttar 108734 world of e-commerce.

Learnrepparttar 108735 marketing and sales techniques ofrepparttar 108736 online world. ----

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Jim Edwards is the co-author of a "paint by numbers" guide with step-by-step VIDEO that guarantees to teach you how to go from zero to making real money online in about a month!

"33 Days to Online Profits"

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