The REAL Thanksgiving

Written by Gary R. Hess

Continued from page 1

On his return home Squanto had realized his village was deserted and left with skeletons. The neighboring tribe of Wampanoag took Squanto in and treated him as their own.

Asrepparttar year went onrepparttar 125350 neighboring Pilgrims grew weaker and couldn’t survive much longer. Luckily,repparttar 125351 Wampanoag came torepparttar 125352 rescue. The Wampanoag brought food hospitality towardsrepparttar 125353 people. Since Squanto spoke English he could easily communicate withrepparttar 125354 Pilgrims and show them how to grow crops and survive offrepparttar 125355 land. The two groups then spent three days together talking aboutrepparttar 125356 land and eating food.

Asrepparttar 125357 years passed, more Pilgrims came and forgot aboutrepparttar 125358 friendly Natives. They stole land, tortured and enslavedrepparttar 125359 Wampanoag whilerepparttar 125360 rest were left foodless and with disease.

For many, Thanksgiving is a time for rejoice and thankfulness for what our ancestors had endured duringrepparttar 125361 early years, but forrepparttar 125362 Wampanoag it is a time left hard to forget.

Gary writes for Poetry Quotes and Articles

Have a Thankful Thanksgiving this Year

Written by Gary R. Hess

Continued from page 1

Thanksgiving is also a day to say thanks to those who have died for us long ago, be it a relative who died helping our ancestors crossrepparttar Atlantic or a soldier that was lost inrepparttar 125349 American Revolution.

We must say thanks to those who have given us a chance to be somebody and spend our time with our friends and family to show them our love and care as we once did.

Gary is a webmaster for Love Literature

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