Top mistakes first time web developers often make.

Written by Tristan Jud

Continued from page 1

A well designed and developed web site can give yourepparttar desired effect that you are looking for. I have personally redevloped many clients web sites that were developed previously inrepparttar 132446 web page boom when businesses wanted web sites but didn't care what they looked like or how they functioned.

Onrepparttar 132447 flip side you could say that in a few years won't we be sayingrepparttar 132448 same thing about table designs. Well you are write we already are, there is a big movement for web sites to use CSS positioning now forrepparttar 132449 creation of layouts and there is not doubt that soon after that there will be something new.

So all we can do is develop usingrepparttar 132450 latest technologies that will ensure usrepparttar 132451 chance to have a web site that will stay current for a little while.

Able Net Design, located in Perth, Western Australia, Able Net Design provides web design and development solutions for both large and small clients, from complete website design to basic site maintenance. Able Net Design - web design perth

Adding audio to your web site

Written by Steve Nichols

Continued from page 1

The audio can either be recorded straight into your PC via a microphone and soundcard, or recorded on a Minidisc recorder and then digitised intorepparttar computer. Once there you can add music, voiceovers, cuts and fades with a program like Adobe Audition or Sony Soundforge. Music can be bought online for just a few pounds and you can even use free audio editing programmes, like Audacity.

What was oncerepparttar 132445 preserve ofrepparttar 132446 BBC and other high-end radio studios is now available on a desktop computer near you – but only if you haverepparttar 132447 skills to match.

FAQs (291 words)

Q. What is streaming audio? A. It is audio delivered to your computer that can be listened to while it is still downloading.

Q. What’srepparttar 132448 advantage over other audio formats? A. You don’t get an annoying delay whilerepparttar 132449 whole file downloads.

Q. What do listeners need to have on their computer? A. A soundcard and speaker(s) or headphones, their normal browser software and a so-called plug-in – a small piece of software that convertsrepparttar 132450 data into sound.

Q. This all sounds expensive – is it? A. Not really. You can get free programs to record your sound, a computer microphone costs less than a tenner and there are free audio editing programs available onrepparttar 132451 net. You then need to convertrepparttar 132452 audio file to a streaming format, but there is an increasing amount of software available to do that too. You also need to think about a MiniDisc recorder as these have superseded cassette tape for most applications. Royalty-free background and intro music is available on CD and viarepparttar 132453 web for a small fee.

Q. What isrepparttar 132454 quality like? A. Judge for yourself – visit and listen torepparttar 132455 demonstration programmes. The trick is to getrepparttar 132456 quality as high as you can, but still make it playable on an average modem-equipped home computer. Once everyone has broadband it will be CD-quality for all.

Q. How do I find out more? A. There is a list of useful links at


Steve Nichols ( runs InfoTech Communications, which specialises in online communications. He has acted as consultant and trainer for many blue-chip companies including Aviva, AWG, Shell, Standard Life, HBOS, BNFL, AstraZeneca, Diageo, Accenture and Australia New Zealand Bank.

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