Written by Craig Lock

Continued from page 1

(in case you want to have a look)

PR Web recommend adding a link back to them to add credibility to your web site - good idea, I think!

The Comitatus Group also offer a FREE press release service. Their web address is:

Other Press Release services we've used are: They are mainlyfor corporate businesses, but check them out. Also Xpress, who distribute news releases by e-mail. (Their address is

Lastly, John Crescione of is very friendly and helpful with writing and distributing press releases.

We have no connection with these news distribution services, but have found them all to be effective in increasing "hits" after a news release.

Use press releases to getrepparttar word out about your web site, product or service. They DO WORK.

Lastly, I don't think you need to be a writer to write good press releases. (In fact, it may work against us, as we do tend to "waffle on" a bit and sometimes I don't write in sufficient "business-speak".) My advice is just write in your own "natural" style -repparttar 129895 one in which you feel MOST COMFORTABLE... as I've tried to do in this article.

Don't take life too seriously and have FUN writing your press releases.

Hope this may help you readers "out there" in cyberspace, as we at Eagle Productions and our associates learn something new about on-line and off-line promotion each day.

"Success is a PROCESS of sharing (knowledge, insights, wisdom and experiences) with others and not simply a matter of arriving at a destination."

Take pleasure inrepparttar 129896 journey.

Craig Lock from Eagle Productions is the author of the ORIGINAL creative writing course on the internet by a published writer. Check out his Creative Writing Course at


Written by Craig Lock

Continued from page 1

It makesrepparttar sentence flow more rhythmically, more swiftly. I find reading a very cerebral (impressive word) activity, that demands a lot of concentration- so make a conscious effort to write in a style that's easy to read . Try to make your reading so easy onrepparttar 129893 eye, that a child can enjoy (and appreciate) your writing style.

Now you have allrepparttar 129894 tools andrepparttar 129895 talent there should not be anything to stop you indulging in your creative pursuits. I hope this information may be helpful to you in your creative writing

"If a man has talent and cannot use it, he has failed. If he has a talent and uses only half of it, he has partly failed. If he has a talent and learns somehow to userepparttar 129896 whole of it, he has gloriously succeeded and has a satisfaction and a triumph few men ever know." -- Thomas Wolfe

"Everyone has a talent. What is rare isrepparttar 129897 courage to followrepparttar 129898 talent torepparttar 129899 dark place where it leads." -- Erica Jong

Craig Lock is an author of numerous books and the creator of the ORIGINAL online creative writing course.

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