Unique Ideas to Celebrate Valentines Day this Year

Written by Heather Diodati

Continued from page 1

Picnic Fun ~~~~~~~~~~

Place a blanket onrepparttar floor nearrepparttar 111471 lit fireplace with candles onrepparttar 111472 mantle and have your Valentine's meal as a candle-lit picnic with a bottle of your favorite bubbly.

Italian Romance ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Some soft Italian love songs onrepparttar 111473 CD player, a luscious Fettucini Alfredo with a bottle of your favorite Italian vino, then some fresh canoli fromrepparttar 111474 pastry shop and cups of amaretto- flavored coffee for a taste sensation - top it off with a sensuous scented bubble bath for two

A Cereal Surprise ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Sneak in love notes and chocolate kisses in your sweetheart's or children's cereal

Notables ~~~~~~~~

Little notes in their lunch boxes, onrepparttar 111475 bathroom mirror, in his briefcase, stuck onrepparttar 111476 car windshields, in his underwear drawer

I'm fortunate to have you! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Mix up a batch of fortune cookies (see http://www.whimsies-online.com/valentine.htm for recipe!) and add your own little words of love

Messy but Marvelous ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Make sure you wear old clothes for this one and plan this escapade where cleanup will be easy (no carpets, please!) Make up a batch of chocolate pudding. Feed each other and wind up having a food fight! Ideally, this is more fun in your birthday suits, thenrepparttar 111477 pudding won't go to waste where it lands! Guaranteed for loads of giggles betweenrepparttar 111478 two of you - take a shower-for-two after this one and wash each other's chocolate-flavored hair!

Take a Letter ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Take turns writing a love letter or love poem to each other. Read them out loud

Valentine Sharing ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Plan some community work - help out atrepparttar 111479 local shelter, volunteer at your local church, work with other volunteers to spread some caring amongst your community.

All inrepparttar 111480 Family ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Spend some quality fun time with your niece or nephew or other child in your family.

Long-Distance Caring ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Call your favorite aunt whom you haven't seen since she moved far away, or your best friend who transferred to another country - let them know you're thinking of them this Valentine's Day

Just For You ~~~~~~~~~~~~

Have you wanted that delicate pair of earrings for awhile but kept putting offrepparttar 111481 purchase? Give yourself a special Valentine's Day gift

Poetry In Motion ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Write him or her a poem - can't write? Try outrepparttar 111482 poem generator on http://www.whimsies-online.com/valentine.htm for fun! Print out your creation and place it on your loved-one's night table for when they awake!

Heather Diodati, is the owner of DDesign, an on-line shop for one-of-a-kind personalized gifts for all occasions. Sign up for our free ezine, On A Whim, for your free time management gifts! http://www.whimsies-online.com

Spring Gardening Ideas for the Family

Written by Susan Dunn

Continued from page 1


This is exactly what you'll see in botanical gardens. Take a plastic pot saucer, sand and about 1 T. of cow or horse manure and an overripe piece of banana, apple or pear. Place sand and manure in saucer with small amount of water and add fruit. Voila! Butterflies will come!


Here's an idea for a simple and inexpensive bird bath or feeder. Use a tomato cage, anchoring it firmly inrepparttar ground. Put one plastic plan saucer insiderepparttar 111470 top ring ofrepparttar 111471 cage. Plant vining plants such as nasturtiums or morning glory aroundrepparttar 111472 bottom. Fillrepparttar 111473 saucer with water forrepparttar 111474 birds, of poke a few holes in it for drainage and fill it with birdseed.


·Use a digital or throwaway camera to record progress inrepparttar 111475 garden and learn more about nature and photography. Putrepparttar 111476 photos in a scrapbook for memories!

·Place a rain gauge inrepparttar 111477 garden.

·Studyrepparttar 111478 insects that come and what they do.

· Read about vegetables, fruits and flowers onrepparttar 111479 Internet.

·Be sure and don't take "the sun" for granted. Water and sun and good soil are what gardening is all about.

·The garden will need to be tended and this teaches responsibility. It needs to be watered, fertilized and weeded. Establish a regular schedule for tendingrepparttar 111480 garden.

CELEBRATE THE HARVEST with flowers onrepparttar 111481 table, or a pizza, or hot sauce, or whateverrepparttar 111482 garden harvest has brought. Be sure and take more photos forrepparttar 111483 scrapbook.

Susan Dunn, The EQ Coach, offers coaching and Internet courses for your personal and professional development. EQ products available for licenses and businesses.

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