Written by ARTHUR ZULU

Continued from page 1

And as you read, ask yourself: What isrepparttar writer saying? Why is he saying it? How is he saying it? The answers you get will help you comprehend, interpret and appreciaterepparttar 129446 book, together withrepparttar 129447 writer’s use of language.

You also have another source –- observation. How do you observe things? Do you look at them closely? Or do you just take a cursory look? You may have missed a great discovery.

Now, come to think of it. Which invention was ever made without a keen observation followed by an inference –- from cause to effect, or from effect to cause.

Remember Isaac Newton observing a falling apple (gravity), Achimedes jumping out of a pool of water and solvingrepparttar 129448 riddle ofrepparttar 129449 king’s crown (Eureka!), or Mungo Park followingrepparttar 129450 river course and “discovering”repparttar 129451 River Niger (I saw with infinite pleasurerepparttar 129452 great object of my mission….)

So, in your daily activities, make it a habit to observe closely; who knows, right in your garden, you may discoverrepparttar 129453 remains of an extinct dinosaur!

Third, you would have to draw materials from your personal life experiences –- what you have seen or heard of people, places and things. Who was it that said experience isrepparttar 129454 best teacher?

He was probably right. People have written masterpieces and autobiographies based on their life experiences. Like Charles Darwin. Like Nelson Mandela.

So, what you are as a person, calledrepparttar 129455 “persona”, and your life experiences must reflect in your work, whether you call it fiction, or non- fiction. And since books are a combination of facts and fiction, some have inventedrepparttar 129456 coinage--faction, to representrepparttar 129457 middle ground.

You have another last source of information –- interview people, ask questions.

No man is a repository of knowledge, and if you do not have an inquisitive mind, you will continue to wallow in ignorance, which itself is a disease.

So, ask questions to getrepparttar 129458 information you seek, and follow with more questions to clarifyrepparttar 129459 answers. Do not be timid, shy, or proud, to know. Remember that knowledge is power. Remember also that Socrates,repparttar 129460 great philosopher, asked to know. And rememberrepparttar 129461 words of Rene Descartes: “Dare to know!”

At this stage, I must mentionrepparttar 129462 importance ofrepparttar 129463 diary. Yes, carry one about, and make a daily entry of materials you like to use as they come. It may be of what you read, see or hear. And you must learn to be patient. Writers arerepparttar 129464 most disciplined persons on earth. I wrote a book in ten years!

Do not be frightened at that prospect. I wrote one also in six months. So, have a strong desire, and finish what you start!

Also note as you are going to write, that you are going to be a philosopher, sociologist, and psychologist, all in one.

You are going to invent characters and interpret their actions. You are going to create, and destroy civilizations. That isrepparttar 129465 might ofrepparttar 129466 pen.

And as we now begin to write our best-seller inrepparttar 129467 next chapter, remember these words of Sir Francis Bacon: “Reading maketh a man, conference a ready man, and writing, an exact man”.

I totally agree with him. What about you?

Copyright © 2002, all rights reserved

Aboutrepparttar 129468 Author:

ARTHUR ZULU, The Most Controversial Writer inrepparttar 129469 World, isrepparttar 129470 author ofrepparttar 129471 best – selling book, HOW TO WRITE A BEST-SELLER. Download your copy and FREE excerpt at : http://www.1stbooks.com/bookview/10975. For FREE writing helps, mailto : controversialwriter@yahoo.com

ARTHUR ZULU, The Most Controversial Writer in the World, is the author of the best – selling book, HOW TO WRITE A BEST-SELLER.


Written by ARTHUR ZULU

Continued from page 1

Controversial books are radioactive If a work sparks debate, interest inrepparttar book will skyrocket. Why? Readers want to know what makesrepparttar 129445 work controversial. So it becomes a case of one man’s meat and another man’s poison.

Controversial works are easy to write. Sometimes, only a sentence or two is enough to generaterepparttar 129446 debate that is needed to sell a book. Ask Salman Rushdie, author of SATANIC VERSES. But note that a controversial work need not be scandalous or defamatory. You also have to be careful not to offend, like writing THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO SATAN.

Readers are looking for Doomsday Books Yes, apocalyptic literature are best-sellers any day. And disciples of Nostradamus are on hand to whet their appetite. Doomsday writers lined their pockets with cash, writing aboutrepparttar 129447 end ofrepparttar 129448 world, atrepparttar 129449 dawn ofrepparttar 129450 millennium. Yet,repparttar 129451 world did not end. But that does not mean that interest inrepparttar 129452 final hour has waned, for once in a while people get jittery aboutrepparttar 129453 onslaught of a wandering, earth-bound, comet.

So, if you have a fondness for figures and come out withrepparttar 129454 date forrepparttar 129455 final destiny ofrepparttar 129456 world, and even provide escape for those who want to survive, you will be a celebrity overnight. After all, George Orwell did it with 1984, andrepparttar 129457 world waited in apprehension. That year has now been consigned torepparttar 129458 dustbin of history.

Spiritual Books are echo Bibles Many are now seeking spiritual help outsiderepparttar 129459 Bible, and this is creating a new market for faith writers. Among them is Iyanla Vanzant who wrote YESTERDAY I CRIED. These brand of writers are offering spiritual help to victims of child abuse, rape, broken marriages andrepparttar 129460 like. Sincerepparttar 129461 list of such victims is growing, it is understandable why this genre has become a favorite for writers.

The choice is now yours So, what would you like to write about? A general interest, success, or mystery book? Or do you like controversial, doomsday or spiritual subjects? Or a combination of two or more ofrepparttar 129462 above?

After you have made that decision,repparttar 129463 next thing to do is to put your thought on paper. Yes, I am talking aboutrepparttar 129464 development of your best-seller.

You have no cause to worry. Let me share with you my practical writing experience forrepparttar 129465 past twenty years. It can be exciting and enjoyable, as you will see inrepparttar 129466 next chapter.

Copyright © 2002, all rights reserved

Aboutrepparttar 129467 Author:

ARTHUR ZULU, The Most Controversial Writer inrepparttar 129468 World, isrepparttar 129469 author ofrepparttar 129470 best – selling book, HOW TO WRITE A BEST-SELLER. Download your copy and FREE excerpt at : http://www.1stbooks.com/bookview/10975. For FREE writing helps, mailto : controversialwriter@yahoo.com

ARTHUR ZULU, The Most Controversial Writer in the World, is the author of the best – selling book, HOW TO WRITE A BEST-SELLER.

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