Weight-Loss Tip: Add Extra Calcium to a Low-Fat Diet

Written by Michael Lewis

Continued from page 1

The human body's metabolism makes weight loss difficult, he explains. "Many people who stick to a calorie-reduced diet don't lose weight as fast as they

think they should. That's because they activate metabolic protection ... Their bodies sense starvation and hang on to energy, fat, more voraciously."

Mice onrepparttar "high-dairy" diet lost 69% body fat ----------------- However, calcium from dairy products producedrepparttar 137659 best results. Mice onrepparttar 137660 "medim-dairy" diet had a 60% decrease in body fat, while those onrepparttar 137661 "high-dairy" diet lost 69% body fat. Researchers also found very small increases in thermogenesis,repparttar 137662 body's core temperature, which then enhancesrepparttar 137663 effects of calcium gained through diet rather than calcium in supplement form, says Zemel.

"Calcium is no magic bullet. Whatrepparttar 137664 study says is that ... higher-calcium diets favor burning rather than storing fat. Calcium changesrepparttar 137665 efficiency of weight loss," Zemel tells WebMD.

The human body's metabolism makes weight loss difficult, he explains. "Many people who stick to a calorie-reduced diet don't lose weight as fast as they think they should. That's because they activate metabolic protection ... Their bodies sense starvation and hang on to energy, fat, more voraciously."

Substitute high-fat dairy products with low-fat dairy -------------------------------------------- Too many dieters tend to immediately "jettison dairy foods from their diet, because they're just sure they're going to make them fat. In fact, they are shooting themselves inrepparttar 137666 foot, because they subject themselves to more empty-calorie sources. They would be better off if they would substitute high-fat dairy products with low-fat dairy," says Zemel.

Keeping in mind thatrepparttar 137667 mouse study is preliminary, it is very well done and shows promise, Pamela Meyers, PhD, a clinical nutritionist and assistant professor at Kennesaw State University near Atlanta. "Butrepparttar 137668 calcium amounts repparttar 137669 study suggests are effectively equal to whatrepparttar 137670 USDA already recommends as a minimum for adults," she adds.

While nonfat dry milk was used in this study, few people buy that product, says Meyers. "Also, there are people who are lactose intolerant who can't consume dairy products. That is why we need to look at other food sources of calcium, [such as] ... dark leafy vegetables, salmon, mackerel, almonds, and oats. ... They also are very high in fiber, which helps in terms of weight management."

If using calcium supplements, it's important to choose those with dded vitamin D, zinc, and magnesium, which helprepparttar 137671 body to better absorb calcium, says Meyers.

This study was supported in part byrepparttar 137672 National Dairy Council.

About The Author ---------------- Michael Lewis has been collecting articles and information on Weight Loss and HGH (Human Growth Hormone and related health benefits. He has created and edits numerous web sites about this subject. Michael is a staff writer for www.ageforce.com

Self Hypnosis Cd Recordings

Written by Steven A Harold

Continued from page 1

Judging byrepparttar testimonials he receives, he has developed an almost miraculous knack of knowing (maybe I should say insight) of how to release people fromrepparttar 137658 most stubborn and debilitating psychological and physiological burdens.

Duncan has a way with words you might say and hasrepparttar 137659 most comforting and yet encouraging of voices too. He has used his hypnoanalytical skills and experience to create self hypnosis recordings that also include principles from behavioural science, Zen, Sufism, and esotoric Christianity.

Duncan refers to his recordings as "Conscious Self Hypnosis" and some of his self hypnosis cds will berepparttar 137660 subject of articles to come.


Clinical Hypnotherapist www.hypnosources.com

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