What is Naturopathy

Written by Andrea Putting N.D

Continued from page 1

Homeopathy can treat all types of illness, chronic, acute and minor accidents. The remedy chosen needs to matchrepparttar all over picture ofrepparttar 113580 patient, everything is taken into account, personality, emotions, physical and mental symptoms and wellbeing. It is truly a wholistic therapy.

Homeopathy works by stimulatingrepparttar 113581 body's natural ability to heal itself and assists you to overcome your sickness. When being treated Homoeopathically it is common, for not justrepparttar 113582 symptoms to be relieved but to be feeling better all over.

Herbal Medicine The use of plants for healing goes back torepparttar 113583 beginning of time. Overrepparttar 113584 centuries medicine women and men have developed their intuition and discoveredrepparttar 113585 great powers of plants. This knowledge has been handed down throughrepparttar 113586 generations and now proven by science. Many ofrepparttar 113587 pharmaceutical drugs used today are based on traditional herbal medicine.

Diet and Nutrition is a fundamental part of any complete health program. In this modern worldrepparttar 113588 foods we eat are no longer full of life giving nutrients and it is all too easy to grab forrepparttar 113589 easy to prepare processed foods. All in all, this means thatrepparttar 113590 majority of people are deficient in nutrients and this, in turn, contributes to illness. Findingrepparttar 113591 right diet andrepparttar 113592 right nutrients to suit your individual needs can make a tremendous difference to your life.

Flower Essences are a wonderful addition to our health care. They help to rebalance our emotional, mental and spiritual lives. This can also assist in physical healing as well, as it reaches intorepparttar 113593 root ofrepparttar 113594 cause of disease. The rebalancing of our lives is greatly enhanced by action of flower essences. Many people will testify that when all around them things were falling apart, a few drops of Rescue Remedy has helped them to hold things together and rise aboverepparttar 113595 situation.

Natural medicine has a lot to offer each one of us. It incorporates all facets of our lives, helping us back on our own paths and helping us to fulfil our potential.

Andrea Putting N.D., Naturopath, Writer and creator/owner of health sites including, http://www.puttingitright.com.au, http://www.naturopathsresourcefile.info, and http://www.naturalhealth4cats.info . Explore the world of Natural Medicine; take your health into your own hands. Know how to be healthy and stay healthy.

Dealing with the Monthly Blues

Written by Andrea Putting N.D

Continued from page 1

* Restrict intake of dairy products to two servings per day.

* Limitrepparttar intake of animal fat.

* Increaserepparttar 113579 consumption of green leafy vegetables.

* Increaserepparttar 113580 consumption of foods rich in Magnesium (i.e. wheat bran, almonds, wheat germ, cashews, spinach, rice), Zinc (brazil nuts, almonds, rice, seeds, wheat, olives) and Vitamin B6 (walnuts, Yoghurt, Hazelnuts, wheat germ, Sunflower seeds, Soya beans).

* Some herbs that can be helpful when dealing with PMS are: Vitex - which helps to balance hormones, Hypericum - for depression, Skullcap and Vervain - help to calmrepparttar 113581 nerves, Dandelion - works withrepparttar 113582 liver to cleanse and remove excess hormones.

* Tissue salts that can be of benefit, both for PMS and for menstrual cramps come in combinations that include Calcium Phosphate, Potassium Phosphate (Kali Phos) and Magnesium Phosphate.

* Flower essences are very effective at dealing with some ofrepparttar 113583 emotional issues around PMS. Australian Bush Flower Essences has a special blend just for women - Woman Essences, available in both drops and cream. This, or other flower essences, may be a great assistance.

* Essential oils can be use in an oil burner, a few drops in a bath, or mixed with oil for a massage. Some ofrepparttar 113584 following could be mixed or used alone. For calming and balancing hormones - Chamomile, Geranium, Lavender, Rose and Sandalwood; Emotionally uplifting - Bergamot, Jasmine, Juniper and Sage; Fluid retention and cramps - Fennel, Laurel, Tarragon and Cypress; Energizing - Peppermint

PMT could easily stand for Pre Menstrual Truth. During this time, woman can become quite emotional and all sorts of feelings come torepparttar 113585 surface. These are very oftenrepparttar 113586 very things that we don't want to look at, or face. We can spendrepparttar 113587 rest ofrepparttar 113588 month not dealing with want really is hidden underneath, but when PMT hits, suddenly it's there. Allrepparttar 113589 things that aren't working in your life come and hit you inrepparttar 113590 face. Allow yourself to cry if you want to, it will help you get in touch with want is really important to you. Start writing a journal. This may help you to recognize what issues you need to deal with. Write down all your feelings and frustrations that surface while you are premenstrual. Recognizing this and working with it can berepparttar 113591 first step of dealing with PMT.

Most importantly take time out each month to celebrate your womanhood. The onset of a period is a reminder of who you are and is a special time to pamper yourself: Buy yourself flowers, have a special treat, have a massage, take a bubble bath, or whatever makes you feel special. It’srepparttar 113592 time to make time for you! .

Andrea Putting N.D., Naturopath, Writer and creator/owner of health sites including, http://www.puttingitright.com.au, http://www.naturopathsresourcefile.info, and http://www.naturalhealth4cats.info . Explore the world of Natural Medicine; take your health into your own hands. Know how to be healthy and stay healthy.

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