Your Business Profile

Written by Bob Osgoodby

Continued from page 1

If you plan to market by email, you should build your own list. Sure this takes some time, butrepparttar rewards will be worth it. This is a responsible approach torepparttar 104952 use of business E-mail. I do believe there is a "bottom line" here. If your list is highly targeted, remove requests are immediately honored, and you are providing something of interest, you should not encounter any problems and just may do some business.

There are a number of ways to get people to your web site so you can makerepparttar 104953 actual sale. One ofrepparttar 104954 time proven methods is to search out Newsletters or Ezines that match your target market. Don't makerepparttar 104955 mistake of thinking that a huge subscriber base is best. It is better to advertise in smaller publications that are targeted torepparttar 104956 group you wish to contact, than ones with very large subscriber bases that are not. Publications that are not targeted are like shooting that arrow intorepparttar 104957 air. Sure, you may get a few but realistically you won't get many.

Search Engines are a good bet. Get your web site listed, but don't fall forrepparttar 104958 pitch that someone can do it for you for a few bucks. To do it right, it is simply too much work to be able to get any type of good listing for a small fee. This is something you should consider doing yourself, and if you do spendrepparttar 104959 necessary time,repparttar 104960 rewards will be worth it.

Think about writing some articles in areas of your expertise. Most publications permit an authors credit box followingrepparttar 104961 article. If your articles are well written and timely,repparttar 104962 odds are they will be published. Anything that you can do to improve your business profile, will pay off inrepparttar 104963 long run.

Did you know that subscribers to Bob Osgoodby's Free Ezine the "Tip of the Day" get a Free Ad for their Business at his Web Site? Great Business and Computer Tips - Monday thru Friday. Instructions on how to place your ad are in the Newsletter. Subscribe at:

Traits of The Successful Entrepreneur

Written by Sue and Chuck DeFiore

Continued from page 1

The next trait successful people have is that they like to know where they stand. They know their own business inside and out. However, they also know about their competition. They also know how well their own business measures up. And since they set goals they know exactly where they are in regards to reachingrepparttar financial goals they have set for themselves.

Successful people know how to handle budgets and finances. This is a very important trait. They are very cognizant of all phases of their finances. How much they owe, how much they have borrowed, interest rates, and anything else that can effect them. They always save for a rainy day. They are very much aware that they need to spend money to make money, and will put off expenditures for themselves (house, car, vacation) until they can afford it.

Another trait that successful people have in common is that they also don’t settle for second best. They like things done in a certain manner. They have standards that must be met for themselves and their product. If they work with an outside company and that company sends them something that is not up to their standards, they will return it. They look forrepparttar 104951 best products andrepparttar 104952 best workmanship inrepparttar 104953 price category they are working within. They would never put out a half hearted effort for a customer. If they realize they haven’t done a good job or haven’t done it right, they will do it again or set things right withrepparttar 104954 customer. This is why their customers are loyal to them and want to continue to do business with them again and again. Remember repeat business is why you are in business. If you don’t make a good impressionrepparttar 104955 first time, you won’t get a second chance.

The successful entrepreneur has fun doing what they do. While they might not enjoy every aspect of their business, they enjoyrepparttar 104956 work that they do. One common theme you will find among them is that they enjoy it because its theirs, and they know they are building something forrepparttar 104957 future.

They also don’t mind putting in long hours because they know that this time is necessary in order for them to move forward. The owner wears many hats: sales calls, bookkeeping, and making sure that customers are satisfied and happy with their product and/or service. They also need to set up appointments, meet deadlines. However, they also know when playtime is over and it’s time to get down to business.

Another trait they all have in common is they get help when they need it. They will contact other professionals when warranted. They would rather be safe than sorry. They realize they are not experts in everything. They also realize at some point in their business that they can’t do it all, and that they have to delegate responsibility to either an outside source, independent contractor, or that they might have to hire an employee.

So, do you haverepparttar 104958 traits to become a successful entrepreneur?

Copyright 2003 DeFiore Enterprises

Interested in having your own successful, home based creative real estate investing business? Chuck and Sue have been helping folks start successful home based businesses for over 19 years, and we can help you too! To see how, visit

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