Your Stock Support Budget

Written by William Cate

Continued from page 1

Stock support and compliance costs arerepparttar best arguments against going public. You must convert these costs into a strong share price. You must use your strong share price to buy profitable assets for your company. The profitable assets must improve your bottomline. If you don't use your stock as money to build your company, your long term shareholders will lose their investment in your company. You'll fail.

If you believe that your share price reflectsrepparttar 112463 merits of your company, don't go public. Your share price will languish for years as you await some Fundamentalist writer to discoverrepparttar 112464 value in your company. Meanwhilerepparttar 112465 pragmatic CEO builds value by using their strong share price to buy profitable assets. It can take twenty years to create a hundred million dollar private company. It can take 20 months for a public company to buy for stock a hundred million dollar public company. The option is your company can earnrepparttar 112466 money, pay taxes, reinvest and grow. Or, you can go public, print your own money called stock, and use your strong share price to buy assets and become a hundred million dollar company. Your decision involves your willingness to spend money to ensure a strong share price.

To contactrepparttar 112467 author: Visitrepparttar 112468 Beowulf Investments website: [] Or, visitrepparttar 112469 Global Village Investment Club Website: []

He has been the Managing Director of Beowulf Investments [] since 1981 and is the Executive Director of the Global Village Investment Club []

CyberHype 101

Written by William Cate

Continued from page 1

Ifrepparttar cyber-hypsters are working two P&Ds, they can magnify their effectiveness. Let's say,repparttar 112462 second P&D is about to be pumped (promoted upward). The cyber-hypster will post a notice atrepparttar 112463 first Board saying that P&D #2 is a great buy. They just bought say 10,000 shares of it. Few P&D #1 pigeons will buyrepparttar 112464 P&D#2 stock. However, whatever P&D#2 stock buying results helpsrepparttar 112465 P&D#2 stock promotion. The real benefit is thatrepparttar 112466 cyber-hypster can report that his P&D#2 stock soared and he made money. This gives him added credibility atrepparttar 112467 P&D#1 website.

The pattern is 1-3 pumps with a rearguard action to keeprepparttar 112468 share from collapsing. Most of these P&D groups have several of these stocks in states of development. For example Teflon Tony andrepparttar 112469 Cyberboys at FantasyLand are doing a rearguard action on TMMI while planning to pump NAPH. They have a half dozen more deals in various stages of development or decomposition. They are lining up more deals.

It's my belief thatrepparttar 112470 Net will berepparttar 112471 primary method of moving share prices withinrepparttar 112472 next 15 years. Today,repparttar 112473 effectiveness of cyber-hype is overrated as are many things involved withrepparttar 112474 Internet. However, when you can SELL stock onrepparttar 112475 Net,repparttar 112476 cyber-hypsters have developedrepparttar 112477 system to sell it torepparttar 112478 pigeons.

I think there is a better way to go public and create a strong share price. I think you can walk away with a fortune as an insider. I think everyone can win. It's one reason that I publish EFS. However, I'm currently battlingrepparttar 112479 "Dark Side ofrepparttar 112480 Force." Thus,repparttar 112481 focus in this issue on sizzle rather than steak.

To contactrepparttar 112482 author: Visitrepparttar 112483 Beowulf Investments website: [] Or, visitrepparttar 112484 Global Village Investment Club Website: []

He has been the Managing Director of Beowulf Investments [] since 1981 and is the Executive Director of the Global Village Investment Club []

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