21 Questions to Ask Any List Service Before You Sign on With Them

Written by Alexandria K. Brown

If you publish an e-mail newsletter, or "e-zine," you'll need to sign on with a list service (or "listserve") to manage your subscriber list. There are many types of listserves out there, so here are some guidelines to help you choose one that's right for you.

1. Do they use MULTI-PART MIME technology?

You'll need this if you want to publish an HTML newsletter. Otherwise you’ll have to send out multiple versions for users who can read HTML, users who can't read HTML, and users on AOL.

2. Do they offer some type of ORIENTATION OR TUTORIAL?

If you're new torepparttar game and/or technologically challenged then you'll appreciate any type of help they offer for new clients.

3. What's their CUSTOMER SERVICE like?

Are they prompt to get back to you via e-mail? Can you call them if you have a problem? Are they available more than standard business hours? What about weekends? Contact them and see how long they take to get back to you —- if it's longer than 24 hours, definitely keep looking.

4. Do they NOTIFY list owners if there's a PROBLEM with their service?

If so, how, and how quickly?

5. Do they have CUSTOMER TESTIMONIALS to share with you?

Or even better, client references? Contact some of these folks to see how their experiences have been.

6. Do other BUSINESSES LIKE YOURS use their service?

If most of their clients are large corporations, small businesses like yours may not getrepparttar 135974 attention they deserve.

7. Is their interface EASY TO USE?

Meaning is it easy for you to setup and launch each issue of your e-zine. They should offer a demo or let you accessrepparttar 135975 'mission control' area that you'll be using to test it out.

8. Can you MANUALLY ADD AND REMOVE people to and from your list if you want to?

Sometimes you’ll need to do this, so you'll wantrepparttar 135976 answer to be "yes" —- especially if you're moving over a list you've already collected.

9. Can you access SUBSCRIBER REPORTS?

How and how often? You'll want to know on a regular basis how many subscribes and unsubscribes you've had sincerepparttar 135977 last issue.

10. What appears inrepparttar 135978 "FROM" field when subscribers get your e-zine?

You want it to be YOUR name if possible. Some spam filters screen out e-mail that does not appear to come from an individual person.

11. What appears inrepparttar 135979 "TO" field when a subscriber gets your e-zine?

You want it to berepparttar 135980 person’s name if possible. Alongrepparttar 135981 same lines, some spam filters screen out e-mail that does not appear to be addressed torepparttar 135982 individual person.

Advertising Methods: Understanding & Implementing Key Marketing Strategies

Written by C. Bailey-Lloyd/LadyCamelot

Beingrepparttar Public Relations' Director for a major, online holistic journal, I often find myself brainstorming new and creative ways of marketing, and making our site not only visitor/client-friendly, but informative and entertaining as well. While we offer a broad array of alternative healing arts' schools, I wanted to explain exactly how successful marketing can lead to maximum, effective exposure.

After a little research, I discovered quite a few interesting things about how advertising works. The Nielsen ratings are a classic example of how marketing techniques are applied. Inrepparttar 135973 United States, Nielsen Media Research provides audience estimates for all national program sources. For example, during 'Sweeps' week, Nielsen Media Research mails out diaries to certain households acrossrepparttar 135974 country. The diaries are collected and processed atrepparttar 135975 end of each time period. In addition, Nielsen provides many other data services to display viewing records of television, cable and other multimedia programming. These viewing data reflect what, when and how often programs are watched. So, in essence, commercial advertising agencies depend on Nielsen ratings on what commercials to air, and how to design commercials to be 'eye candy' torepparttar 135976 masses.

The Coca-Cola company made a powerful move in its Christmas advertising campaign by integrating Santa Claus in their marketing plans. So powerful, in fact, that because of its commercials depicting Santa drinking Coca-Cola from a bottle, spawned consumers to take more and more bottles of Coca-Cola home with them!

In an even more elaborate move, Toyota Motor Sales recently corneredrepparttar 135977 online market with beingrepparttar 135978 only car Ad to sponsor Ebay!

Duringrepparttar 135979 1980s, Ms. Clara Peller was recruited to commercialize Wendy's "Where'srepparttar 135980 Beef?" Slogan in televisions ads everywhere.

But what does this have to do with marketing essentials? Technically,repparttar 135981 viewing and listening public - whether it be Radio, Cable TV, orrepparttar 135982 Internet - are diverse information and entertainment seekers. As consumers, we want a broad selection, we demand diversity, we expect 'eye candy.' Thus, while most advertising agencies can only produce and eccentuaterepparttar 135983 positive of products and/or services, it all boils down to viewer-ability.

Clients demand results - and they want them to reflect their choice in advertising. As both a consumer and marketing specialist, a skilled advertising firm is able to fully comprehendrepparttar 135984 fundamentals of developing successful strategies in commercial promotion of products and services.

So how does a good advertising firm produce positive results in a productive marketing campaign? Below are a few, finer points in proven 'viewer-ability' marketing strategies:

1. Research & Development - analysis of current marketing and advertising campaigns 2. Strategic Planning and Implementation 3. Media Buys - buying media at discounted rates and pass savings onto clients 4. Copywriting Services 5. Video Production - Informational and Corporate 6. Public Relations 7. Website Development and Promotion 8. Direct Mail/Email Campaigns 9. Electronic/Print Advertising 10. Brochure & Graphic Design 11. Telemarketing Consultation 12. Market Research

The prime question one should ask himself (or his organization) is 'What do I want to accomplish?' Experienced ad agencies will review and analyze what is and isn't working through review of revenue streams and competition. Specific recommendations are then made on how to target particular audiences - much like that ofrepparttar 135985 Nielsen Media Research.

Sincerepparttar 135986 conceptual design and implementation ofrepparttar 135987 World Wide Web, advertising has taken on a dramatically new persepective, and is steadily climbing to popular ranks liken to mainstream media. Undeniably, many Americans are virtually living inrepparttar 135988 'net.' Aside from being a vital tool for student research projects,repparttar 135989 Internet has become a vast and ever-expanding media outlet for entertainment, information, work and direct-advertising system. By integrating all points of a strategic marketing campaign, electronic advertising agencies are able to assist clients with interactive ad campaigns that help promote exposure to clients (services and/or products).

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