3 Tips to Achieve Your Writing Goals

Written by Shery Ma Belle Arrieta-Russ

1. Make your goals achievable.

By achievable, we mean realistic and attainable. You might unconsciously have set a goal even others will have a hard time achieving, even if they hadrepparttar means andrepparttar 128843 time to do so.

Here's what you can do: break down your goals into small, realistic goals set against reasonable time frames. Oftentimes, you'll achieve your bigger goals if you work on achievingrepparttar 128844 smaller goals leading to those. The important thing is making your goals as realistic and as achievable as you can.

2. Devise a feasible plan.

You know what you want, but do you know how to get what you want? Do you need technical or artistic training to achieve your goals? Or perhaps further studies? Do you have a set plan of action that will lead torepparttar 128845 achievement of your goals? What things, both tangible and intangible, do you need to aid you in reaching your goals?

Sick of the Traditional Publishing Path?

Written by Judy Cullins

Sick ofrepparttar Traditional Publishing Path? Judy Cullins ©2004 All Rights Reserved.

A book coaching client recently emailed me that she was getting sick of traditional publishing because of so many costly requirements and so little payoff. Do you feelrepparttar 128841 same way?

Fifteen years ago, I worked hard on a 60-page proposal for a top agent and after a year got "approval" to be his client. Thenrepparttar 128842 kicker, he asked for a $50,000 retainer to getrepparttar 128843 book marketing because I was an unknown.

Unknown, yes, but not a fool. A marketing maven for 20 years, I sold 20 self-help books atrepparttar 128844 back ofrepparttar 128845 room for seminars taught at colleges and other talks. Why would I need to gorepparttar 128846 traditional route of low attendance book signings, travel to less than prominent spots to marketrepparttar 128847 book at a cost that had to paid back through royalties.

And royalties? Even selling 10,000 books, withrepparttar 128848 percentages that book stores, distributors, and agents take, what profit comes torepparttar 128849 author?

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