5 Killer Ways To Explode Your OPT-In List

Written by Wesley Atkins

Your Opt-in list isrepparttar life-blood of your business. What better way can there be than having thousands of people to market to every month for 'Zero Cost'. A valuable customer list isrepparttar 101642 most important aspect of any business, online or off.

Here are some killer examples for you to gain more subscribers:

1. Make Them An Offer They Can’t Refuse. "I’m going to make you an offer you can’t refuse". Remember that saying? The first step to consider is what to offer your subscribers. Find out what people want and create a free product, ebook or report around that topic.

When Google changed their Algorithm, immediately people were asking, what went wrong? How can I get my positions back?

I retained my positions on Google and proceeded to run various tests to see what had changed. I quickly figured out what was needed to get top 10 positions and created a free report called "The Google Shake-UP". A FREE ECourse on Getting Top 10 Positions On Google – Even After The Florida Update.

…Offer people what they want and they will not ignore your message.

2. Writing Compelling Articles and Reports. Write and submit articles to 'article directories' with a compelling resource box atrepparttar 101643 end of your report. If you have a website about Dog’s, you could write a report called “How To Train You Dog In 7 Easy Steps, Without Hiring a Pro-fessional Dog Trainer”. Then you just add a compelling resource box atrepparttar 101644 end. You can see mine atrepparttar 101645 bottom of this article.

3. Posting To Online Forums. This is a great way to get recognised. Actively participating in online forums and message boards will build credibility for you around your chosen subject. Just make sure you always post your signature atrepparttar 101646 bottom ofrepparttar 101647 posting or report, with a link to your newsletter address and or signup email.

To build up more interest you could write a ‘3-day’ course on your chosen subject and submit ‘day-1’ torepparttar 101648 online forums. All you do to build up anticipation is this:

Pendulum Power

Written by Joseph robert Neil James

When a Pendulum was introduced to me on 1981.I was fascinated with its simple Yes and No signal. For many years pendulums have been used in various ways.

During our lifetime we all have ambitions and Goals, which we want to achieve. My short Article will introduce you to a UNIQUE way of working with a pendulum. You will learn, how to Solve Problems and Achieve your Goals, in a simple logical way. It is amazing how much you can learn, from a simple, “Yes” or “No” signal, whilst working with a Pendulum.

A pendulum is a device for communicating with our Sub-conscious. A pendulum is simple to make and easy to use. All you need is a length of chain or string 6" to 9" long. Attach a small weight torepparttar chain or string. You now have a Pendulum. There are several alternatives you may wish to try, such as a rosary, crucifix and chain, or any pendant. They are all suitable.

The pendulum I use today is my front door key attached to a length of chain. My wife’s pendulum is a gold locket and chain, after you make your pendulum, holdrepparttar 101641 chain or string between your first finger and thumb sorepparttar 101642 weight hangs freely at waist height. Now ask a question that requires a YES or NO answer. The pendulum will sway from left to right for YES and backwards and forwards for NO. Practice for a while.

Now askrepparttar 101643 pendulum to circle clockwise for YES and anti-clockwise for NO or visa versa. Practice for a while until you are comfortable with it and gettingrepparttar 101644 results I have explained. For some peoplerepparttar 101645 pendulum performs better when it just sways and for others it performs better when it circles. Choose whichever you feel comfortable with.

When asking questions, start off by asking these questions: Are you my Subconscious? Are you my Advisor? Are you ready to advise me? Should I work with a pendulum? Am I communicating with a superior intelligence? These questions will build a relationship between you and your Advisor. (Subconscious)

I will now introduce you to your Advisor (Your Subconscious). Unlike your Conscious Self, which is your Awareness. Your Advisor is void of any emotions or sensitivity of your body but takes inrepparttar 101646 same information through your eyes and ears, just as you do. Therefore, your Advisor will always respond with better logic than you do (Conscious self).

Your Advisor is also linked to an intelligence that is beyond our understanding, and from time to time, that intelligence channels information back to our Conscious Self via our Advisor. This information in turn teaches us many things to our advantage.

Even if you don’t communicate with your Advisor, via a pendulum, your Advisor is helping you make decisions minute by minute, every day. That is why we differ from all creatures great and small, we have an Advisor; and they do not.

Before you continue reading, please make surerepparttar 101647 pendulum is performing as I have explained. It is important that you recognizerepparttar 101648 intelligence within your Advisor (subconscious)

SOLVING PROBLEMS We are all computers. As we communicate with each other we program one another. We are all teachers and learners and as we mix with others, we gain our education. As we communicate with each other we learn many things that complement our life style and we gain information, which helps solve our problems. We all have problems and when left unsolved they begin to multiply. Life for us all is full of problems.

Most of us do not know this but our Advisor is there to keep reminding us to solve our problems. When they come up in your thoughts, treat them as urgent and solve them as soon as possible. If you ignore them you will begin to lose control of your life.

Atrepparttar 101649 end of each day make a point of sitting somewhere quiet and think aboutrepparttar 101650 happenings of your day. Go over your day within your thoughts and see if there are any problems to be solved. Your Advisor is your own built in friend and companion. It’s this advice you tap into when you solve problems.

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