5 Steps to Detox Your Mind--Your Faith is your fortune

Written by Dona Kerr & Dawn Wood

1. Step back and ask yourself what’s really going on. When you’re caught up inrepparttar day to day stuff of everyday life, you may lose sight of objectivity. Take a few minutes everyday to reflect on what happened duringrepparttar 130506 day. Was there a lesson to learn? Is there a gift you may have overlooked even if it was that you consider a bad day. Wasrepparttar 130507 step back really a step forward? Were you concentrating so hard onrepparttar 130508 negative that it happened as you expected? 2. Are you looking at life through your present limitations? To rise in consciousnessrepparttar 130509 level which you desire you must completely drop or let go ofrepparttar 130510 consciousness with which you are identifying. Feelrepparttar 130511 fear and do it anyway. Focus your thoughts on something else other thanrepparttar 130512 problem. Worries are like prayers. 3. Change your thought of seeing “is believing”

The Roadmap for the Mind

Written by Carol Dorman

I'm an "ideas person". There are dozens of them floating around in my head - all atrepparttar same time which , when they're not colliding with each other, tends to result in a kind of mental gridlock. You reckon voices inrepparttar 130502 head are creepy? Believe me, you don't know creepy until you've heard all those invisible car horns!

Problem is, with all those ideas zooming about, blaring out their merits on subliminal woofers, each one trying to nudgerepparttar 130503 others off that metaphorical freeway with their monster-truck(ish) bull-bars, every one of them becomes lost in a buzz of "one day.." The consequence of this, of course, is many things begun but not many seen through torepparttar 130504 end.

Does anyone else relate to this? Assuming that I'm notrepparttar 130505 only one with a traffic jam in her head (andrepparttar 130506 notion that I am is REALLY creepy), how do we solve this problem? How do we make order out of this chaos and getrepparttar 130507 traffic flowing again?

Allow me to introduce: "The Roadmap forrepparttar 130508 Mind". Now this is more than just a list of places and how to get there. The Roadmap forrepparttar 130509 Mind provides allrepparttar 130510 essentials for safe travel.

First of all, we haverepparttar 130511 policeman, Constable Carry-on. He directsrepparttar 130512 traffic so that all ideas come forth in a safe and orderly manner. There will be no overtaking on double yellow lines - and allrepparttar 130513 lines are double yellows. So one at a time each idea moves forward. Idea Number One is directed via arrows in its lane to a pleasant little tourist drive which ends at a picnic ground. There it is required to stay until its feasibility is assessed.

Meanwhile, Idea Number Two is directed through a roundabout where it joins Idea Three on its way torepparttar 130514 caravan park byrepparttar 130515 beach. Frolicking inrepparttar 130516 sea and sand keeps these Ideas happily occupied for ages.

Cont'd on page 2 ==>
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