7 Secrets To High Performance Thinking - Part 7

Written by John Colanzi

The first six secrets wererepparttar blocks building up torepparttar 123741 real secret behind high performance thinking.

High performance thinkers recognizerepparttar 123742 awesome power of their subconscious mind.

* Relaxation

* Visualization

* Autosuggestion

* Goal Setting

* Whole-Brained Thinking

* Humor

All ofrepparttar 123743 above are designed to help you unleashrepparttar 123744 awesome power of your subconscious mind.

The subconscious has been calledrepparttar 123745 sleeping giant. It's like a big bear hibernating duringrepparttar 123746 winter.

It's waiting for you to wake it so it can do its work.

All systems from Silva Mind Control and NLP torepparttar 123747 mystical traditions such as Yoga and Martial Arts are designed to take us beyond our cultural conditioning.

Giving Thanks for Online Opportunities?

Written by Liz Hekimian-Williams

Giving Thanks for Online Opportunities? © 2002 by Liz Hekimian-Williams Have you noticed that duringrepparttar holidays a lot of us start reflecting about our lives more? We think aboutrepparttar 123740 meaning of life, our hopes and dreams, things we regret, and things we're thankful for. I've actually caught myself recently feeling thankful about my computer and allrepparttar 123741 opportunities being online has brought into my life personally and in business. Have you? I have to admit it. Even though I've been online for years, I am still impressed daily byrepparttar 123742 expansiveness ofrepparttar 123743 internet. There are millions, or is it billions, of websites, information, entertainment, financial opportunities, and such resources and opportunities that are available to us online! If you're anything like me, then you get just as excited as I do when you receive a good friend's email, a great business lead, a shopping bargain, find an interesting ezine to subscribe to or discover an intriguing website you haven't seen before. This reminds me of a TV commercial I saw once whererepparttar 123744 fellow that was surfing online had a warning message come up on his computer screen and it said something like "You've now reachedrepparttar 123745 end ofrepparttar 123746 Internet". He was using a high speed internet connection that helped him speed throughrepparttar 123747 entire internet until supposedly he actually reachedrepparttar 123748 end! He looked incredulously atrepparttar 123749 message. Wouldn't you? Wouldn't it distress you if you ever had that message pop up on your computer screen? That was it? No more new stuff? What do you mean I've reachedrepparttar 123750 end ofrepparttar 123751 internet?!

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