Written by Terry Dashner


Terry Dashner………………Faith Fellowship Church, PO Box 1586, Broken Arrow, OK 74013 Listen to this:”Rememberrepparttar former things long past, for I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is no one like Me.” (Isaiah 46:9). Do you hear what God is saying? He wants us to remember what He has done inrepparttar 126537 past. Why does He want us to live inrepparttar 126538 past? He doesn’t want us to live inrepparttar 126539 past. He wants us to reflect onrepparttar 126540 past to be encouraged today. In other words if God was faithful yesterday, He is trustworthy today and will be trustworthy tomorrow.

Now let’s take this a step or two further. Paul said in Titus 2:11, “The grace of God has appeared.” In John’s Gospel we read that Jesus was “full of grace and truth.” The grace that God promised inrepparttar 126541 past has come inrepparttar 126542 person of Jesus Christ. John Piper, in his book Future Grace (Multnomah Publishers, Inc. and Inter-Varsity Press) says this: “Christ came to guarantee thatrepparttar 126543 promises ofrepparttar 126544 Old Testament would indeed come true. He came forrepparttar 126545 sake of future grace. Fromrepparttar 126546 time of Christ onwards, every look back should include a look to Jesus. Without him there would be no future grace.”

Is it all about Jesus? Yes, it is. Let me continue, please. Paul writing a letter of reconciliation torepparttar 126547 saints in Corinth says this: “As many as may berepparttar 126548 promises of God, in Him they are yes” (II Corinthians 1:20). Again Piper says (in regards to what Paul is saying inrepparttar 126549 text), “’Have you said yes to allrepparttar 126550 future grace of God’s Yes to you in Christ? Is there any of God’s Yes to which you are saying, ‘No,’ or ‘Maybe,’ or, ‘Not now’?’ This text begs for immediate and radical response. It calls us to cry out to God, ‘I consecrate myself to forsakerepparttar 126551 ‘No’ andrepparttar 126552 ‘Maybe’ andrepparttar 126553 ‘Not Now’ of my unbelief. And I say ‘Yes’ to every future grace of every promise in Yes to me.’”

Every one without Christ as Savior comes to God through Christ. The sinner brings all his or her needs and finds Godrepparttar 126554 Father coming to him or her in Christ Jesus with all His goodness promised to His children. Jesus isrepparttar 126555 mediator between God and man. In Christ I lay down my needs. And in Christ I pick up my blessings that God has for me, that God wants me to have. Everything that God has promised you and me for today and tomorrow is found in Christ, God’s revealed Grace and Glory to us.

Theology, Hollywood Style

Written by Terry Mitchell

After years of watching TV shows and movies, I think I have finally gotten a grasp on Hollywood's theology and it's not a pretty picture (pun intended). It should come as no surprise to anyone that Hollywood's theology is vastly different from that ofrepparttar average American. After all, Hollywood's morals and values are not representative of Middle America, so why should its theology be any different? Hollywood's theology is comprised of three basic tenets. First, it is quite obvious that Hollywood has adopted some elements of new age and eastern philosophies, i.e., it believes God could be just about whomever or whatever anyone wants Him/Her/It to be. Hollywood's God could be some kind of benevolent spirit, floating around throughoutrepparttar 126536 universe. If someone thinks God is just a man or woman, that's also valid according to Hollywood's theology. If someone thinks God is a bird, a tree, or a cloud, that's fine with Hollywood. If someone thinks a little bit of God is in everything living thing, that's great too. However, I usedrepparttar 126537 phrase "just about" because not every notion of God will pass Hollywood's politically correct litmus test. Not surprisingly,repparttar 126538 Judeo-Christian notion of God -repparttar 126539 one described in Holy Scriptures - doesn't qualify. God couldn't possibly be like that, according to Hollywood's theological standards. That concept of God is too narrow-minded forrepparttar 126540 Hollywood crowd. Second, Hollywood holds that God couldn't care less whether or not we worship Him/Her/It. In fact, He/She/It doesn't care whether we recognize Him/Her/It or even acknowledge His/Her/Its existence, for that matter. Therefore, a person's belief system is rendered virtually irrelevant. Churches are only useful for weddings, memorial services, and funerals. Instead, according to Hollywood, it is possible for an atheist to go to heaven. Hollywood argues that God is not jealous and has no sense of dominion or ownership over His/Her/Its creation. While Hollywood recognizesrepparttar 126541 fact that God does often intervene inrepparttar 126542 affairs human beings, it contends that He/She/It has no desire for any kind of permanent relationship with them.

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