A Theme-Based Website, Part 4- How To Build The Site

Written by Julie Georg

Inrepparttar first three parts of this series, I've shown why I want a theme-based site and how I've prepared (and you can, too!) to make one. I chose a theme and found lots of related keywords. I have ideas for content and found merchants that I want to represent as an affiliate, whose products fit with my content. Now, I'm ready to build my site. It's going to be pretty easy since I have my content and merchants organized by keyword. And I'm keeping these two thing in mind: 1) I want each page to be focused on only one keyword. Remember, I'm doing this to pleaserepparttar 128021 search engines, but it also keeps things clear for my visitors. 2) From experience and research, I know it's best to keep things clean and simple. I want a straight forward site that's easy to navigate and with minimal distractions.

I'm going to start with my homepage, which should only tell my visitors what my site is about and how it will benefit THEM. Links to my merchants should NOT appear onrepparttar 128022 homepage - too soon. My homepage should link to 5-10 "keyword focused" content pages. These pages should offer valuable content and links to my best merchants for my most profitable keywords. Each of these pages can then link to 2-10 other pages. Every page should have a link back torepparttar 128023 homepage, but not necessarily to every other page onrepparttar 128024 site. I need to think about where I want my visitors to go and what I want them to do, which is click through to my merchants, of course!

Ready for construction. Each page will have 1) a TITLE tag, 2) a META keyword tag, 3) a META description tag, 4) header tags(headlines), 5) andrepparttar 128025 body copy.

My TITLE appears asrepparttar 128026 link in search engine listings, so it needs to be honest and attractive. I'm going to userepparttar 128027 specific keyword for each page in it's title, as well as a general keyword and perhaps synonyms if possible. For my Italian cooking site, forrepparttar 128028 keyword "lowfat Italian cooking",repparttar 128029 page title could be "Lowfat Italian Cooking- Healthful Italian Traditional Cooking, Naturally Lowfat".

10 Basic Search Engine Preparation Tips

Written by Detlev Reimer

While many people think it is enough to have web site to earn hundreds or thousands of dollars within a few weeks, it is much harder in reality to get people to your web site and then it is another thing to get them to buy something from you.

But that's a different story. Let's concentrate onrepparttar first aspect: Getting traffic and especially getting targeted traffic. You don't want to have cat lovers on your site when you are selling dog food, do you ?

How do you get targeted prospects ? First of all, you must know your potential customers. Who are they ? What are they looking for ? Sorepparttar 128020 first thing , even before you have built your web site, is to know which keywords your prospects would search for.

It is not as hard as you might think. But if you have a general topic like I have myself with Internet Marketing, it might be a much better idea to concentrate just on one aspect of Internet Marketing.

Friend, you ask why ? Did you ever perform a search on AltaVista forrepparttar 128021 term "Internet Marketing"? Yes ? Then you will certainly know that there about 6 million web sites competing forrepparttar 128022 top position on "Internet Marketing".

It is very hard, if not impossible to reach a rank inrepparttar 128023 top 10 or evenrepparttar 128024 top 30 for such a general term. But if you concentrate on, let me say autoresponders, then there are a lot less pages that deal with that topic.

1.) Choosing your domain name

This means, when you order your domain name, be sure to include your keywords in your domain name. To takerepparttar 128025 example just mentioned above: If you're selling dog food, don't take a domain like www.petshop.com .

Because then people could think that you are selling cat food, bird food etc. , too. You want to target your potential customers, so your domainname would be rather something like : www.dogfood.com or similar .

So now you've designed your pages. What comes next ?

2.) Frames/no-frames

Web pages which use frames have one big disadvantage: Some search engines are not able to index them correctly. They cannot followrepparttar 128026 links that are included on these pages and that means that they won't be able to showrepparttar 128027 results of your pages.

If you want to be onrepparttar 128028 safe side, create your web pages without using frames. There are some tricks to enable a correct indexing but this would lead too far for this time.

3.) The title of your homepage

It almost goes without saying that your title should have your keywords included as well. You should choose a title that includes your four most important keywords. If you have a site where people can learn how to write ads, you could give your page a title that hasrepparttar 128029 word ads in it plus some of your other keywords.

Example : "Writing ads: How to write ads that sell your products like crazy." You have repeated your most important keyword "ads" and you have used other keywords like "writing", "write" and "sell".

4.) Meta tag : description

Meta tags are additional pieces of information which are placed withinrepparttar 128030 HTML - code. Your description reflectsrepparttar 128031 most important part of your homepage since this isrepparttar 128032 description that is shown when someone searches for your site on a search engine.

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