Anamcara - The Blessing of Love

Written by Tony Cuckson

“The snow goose need Not bathe to make its self white Neither need you do anything to be yourself.”


In Corrogue it is snowing and I am sending valentines.

I remember that tomorrow is St. Valentines Day. It is a day when we are encouraged to remember Love. Some may think this day has become yet another day of commercial exploitation. Another day when one is pressured to act in ways one resists.

Yet I am reminded ofrepparttar essence of such a day. It reminds me ofrepparttar 114153 beautiful line from one of my favourite poems. This is fromrepparttar 114154 poem by Max Ehrmann. This isrepparttar 114155 beautiful poem entitled “Desiderata” (things to be desired).

“Neither be cynical about love, for in an uncertain world it is as perennial asrepparttar 114156 grass.”

To all my subscribers and friends of this ezine I say, “Happy St. Valentines Day.” I say to you all, “I love you.” I remind you that beyond allrepparttar 114157 wounding that you have received and given inrepparttar 114158 name of love you are Blessed beyond measure. I remind you that rather than “be loving” you “are LOVE.” You arerepparttar 114159 beauty. You arerepparttar 114160 essence.

On this day when there may be an absence of love in your life know that you are enough now and forever. Know thatrepparttar 114161 deeper you go to meet your soulrepparttar 114162 lessrepparttar 114163 ups and downs of love have power to disturb you. This is because you become your own “soul friend.” You become your own “Anam Cara.”

You become asrepparttar 114164 magic cauldron ofrepparttar 114165 Irish God Dagda. This cauldron feeds you forever and is never empty. This isrepparttar 114166 nature of love. You have to return to trust that you are enough and that you are this. You claim your real power. You claimrepparttar 114167 real power of you ability “to be love.”

We go looking inrepparttar 114168 world for that special love that will make us happier and more fulfilled. We forget we have a lover waiting for us for eternity. This Lover is calling to us moment to moment. We have a lover that wants eternally to embrace us in ways beyond belief. One glance from this Lover and you will never forget. You will be hooked. You will not go searching inrepparttar 114169 world ofrepparttar 114170 other andrepparttar 114171 world ofrepparttar 114172 visible for a love that is transient.

On this St.Valentines Day be kind to your heart. If you feel lonely then know that you are not alone. You can never be alone although this feeling of loneliness feels so real. Let tomorrow be an opportunity to embrace your own beauty. Let tomorrow be a reminder that now isrepparttar 114173 forever opportunity to enterrepparttar 114174 experience ofrepparttar 114175 beautiful.

Often we do not love ourselves very much. We all have an inner child that we keep hidden away. We and it have become cynical about love. Cynicism arises from woundedness. There isn’t anyone inrepparttar 114176 world who has not been wounded by love.

I often take this inner child out to be with it on these special days ofrepparttar 114177 remembrance of love. This is an angry child but he is stillrepparttar 114178 child of this heart. I take him in my imagination to a sanctuary. This is a place I call Quan Yin beach. Quan Yin is a Goddess of Compassion. It is onrepparttar 114179 shore of eternity. On this shore that isrepparttar 114180 ocean of compassion I let him play. I let him be.

I am a great advocate of self love. I am an advocate of being kind, being caring, being appreciative of this “little me.” If I do not express kindness to this self then I cannot be kindness to others. I can only love my neighbour because I love this little me” and “mine.”

When you do this enough you begin to “be loving.” You begin to berepparttar 114181 perfume of love. You transcendrepparttar 114182 idea that love is something you do or give. You come torepparttar 114183 realisation you are love. When you know thisrepparttar 114184 blessing is here. You have arrived at your true power. You have arrived knowing that love is not something you get. It is something you either allow or do not allow. It isrepparttar 114185 free flow of your essential self. You either block or you do not block.

On this day do not compare or contrast.

Do not think that this person has more or less love than you. This is not a competition. It is not a kindness. No one has walked in your shoes. You are unique. You are as Marianne Williamson reminds us in her wonderful book, “Return to Love,”

Herpes Treatment - Treat Herpes

Written by Ratliff J

What is genital herpes? About Herpes Treatment: Genital herpes is an infection caused byrepparttar herpes simplex virus or HSV. There are two types of HSV, and both can cause genital herpes. HSV type 1 most commonly infectsrepparttar 114152 lips, causing sores known as fever blisters or cold sores, but it also can infectrepparttar 114153 genital area and produce sores. HSV type 2 isrepparttar 114154 usual cause of genital herpes, but it also can infectrepparttar 114155 mouth. A person who has genital herpes infection can easily pass or transmitrepparttar 114156 virus to an uninfected person during sex. Herpes infections most commonly occur inrepparttar 114157 mouth, but can also occur inrepparttar 114158 genital areas and inrepparttar 114159 aroundrepparttar 114160 eyes. Some common symptoms are swelling, redness, clusters of blisters, fever, headache, fatigue, pain, and blurred vision. These symptoms are oftenrepparttar 114161 worst duringrepparttar 114162 first infection.

Herdox is a natural Herpes Treatment supplement that is designed to be helpful for reducingrepparttar 114163 severity and occurrences of Herpes outbreaks while also shortening healing time. One study onrepparttar 114164 ingredients in Herdox suggestedrepparttar 114165 following:

May reducerepparttar 114166 number of herpes outbreaks

May reducerepparttar 114167 severity of herpes outbreaks

May reduce healing time By providing your body withrepparttar 114168 proper nutrients, it can naturally fight back againstrepparttar 114169 herpes virus and help you take control of your life. Click here to read more aboutrepparttar 114170 ingredients in Herdox.

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