Ask the Pet Psychic

Written by Nancy R. Fenn

Why Should I? “Askrepparttar Pet Psychic” Did you know that your pet has a mind of its own? Yes, it’s true. Sometimes we think of our pet as an extension of ourselves, but pets have personalities that come through loud and clear. Let me share some of my experiences with you in interacting with pets. The personality of each pet comes through clearly in a reading. Often they have an agenda of items they wish conveyed to their owners, just to makerepparttar 130745 relationship even better! Every pet I read about has been aware of how much their owners love them and care about them … sometimes to a fault! An older cat was very concerned that her owner was so concerned! We’ll call this cat Priscilla. Prissy had an agenda of 5 items she wanted discussed with her owner. She came forward so eagerly inrepparttar 130746 reading that I knew how relieved she would be to have me act as a “medium”. Prissy could hardly wait to “talk”. Cats and dogs convey ideas differently than humans (fromrepparttar 130747 psychic's perspective). It isn’t like our “talk”. It is more like chunks of pictures. It isn’t emotional. It is almost exclusively descriptive. There is a definite setting whenrepparttar 130748 communication begins andrepparttar 130749 pet is picturing himself or herself inrepparttar 130750 setting for me to see. Byrepparttar 130751 way most of my readings are done over a distance via telephone or email. Prissy wished that her owner wouldn’t worry about her so much. “I’m holding my own," she said, “and it doesn’t help that she is fussing over me so much!” I could tell that Prissy had health problems that she didn’t want to get into. Like many older people, she preferred to focus onrepparttar 130752 positive and enjoy her life although it was more limited than it used to be. When Prissy's owner worried, Prissy felt down and depressed herself. It would be easier for her to keep a positive state of mind if her owner would do so as well. This adorable and courageous older cat also wanted it known that she liked to lay on her back when no one was around who might step on her (!) or make her nervous. I have no idea why this was important, but Prissy drew me a very clear psychic picture of how it felt to have her tummy out inrepparttar 130753 air upside down and just lie there feeling good with her four limbs flopped onrepparttar 130754 floor to either side. The next item on Prissy’s list was a person who often came torepparttar 130755 house who scratched her onrepparttar 130756 head betweenrepparttar 130757 ears in a perfunctory manner (her word, not mine). This person, Prissy explained, had really bad energy. He used force when “scratching” which was really like a vice grip on her head and

How to Communicate with Your Favorite Introvert

Written by Nancy R. Fenn

Introverts are great listeners, readers and writers. The Internet was invented just for introverts! The only thing they dont do well -- and this is a big one -- is verbal communication.

Most introverts dislike talking and even have a violent aversion to small talk. Approach these people respectfully and come torepparttar point as quickly as possible. If you can, let them know a few hours or a day in advance that you would like to talk to them. Don't expect them to answerrepparttar 130742 phone. That's right. Don't be insulted if you get an answering machine. Introverts are not rude or reclusive, they just hate to be caught unprepared.

Above all else, ifrepparttar 130743 door is closed, don't go in. And don't knock if you can come back some other time. Introverts can be downright violent if they are interrupted. Their speciality is weaving information together in a contemplative and creative manner. If you interrupt this process, you annoy then vexaciously while atrepparttar 130744 same time abortingrepparttar 130745 results of this inquiry which might have been to your business and personal advantage.

If you want to get your point across to an introvert, put it in writing even if you have to go out of your way to find an excuse for writing it! Don't expect an immediate response. Give them plenty of time to think about it. If possible, wait until they bring it up themselves even if it takes a week.

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