Avoid a Life of Regrets With Your Yes List

Written by Sopan Greene, M.A.

Avoid a Life of Regrets With Your Yes List by Sopan Greene http://www.InspiredEnoughToChange.com

How many times have you told yourself "yes!" today? Not enough I bet. Yes isrepparttar most powerful word inrepparttar 130347 English language.

Unfortunately, too many times we say yes to others when we should say no. Atrepparttar 130348 same time we continue to tell ourselves no when we need to say yes.

You deserve to createrepparttar 130349 life of your dreams. Period. The first step on that road is to learn to tell yourself yes before you say yes to others.

One big reason so many people don't like their lives is because they accidentally created a life that's not based on what they want. How did that happen? Pretty easily and unconsciously.

If most of your life isn't how you thought it would turn out then you haven't figured out what you want to say yes to in your life. This doesn't make you a bad person, it makes you a typical twenty-first century human whose life is filled with distracting details and tasks. Random decisions lead us down random paths with random endings we don't want.

When you know what you want to say yes to then your life begins to change drastically. Why? Because anything that comes up that's not on your "Yes list" is an automatic no. How helpful is that? Very helpful.

This allows you to cut out time that gets wasted on activities you don't need to do. For example lets pretend Grace's yes list includes things like reading, having a clean house, taking care of her kids, exercising, being healthy, enjoying her job, and connecting with her friends.

So today, like every day, Grace is bombarded with choices. She gets to work and someone generously brought in a huge box of donuts to share with everyone. She thinks one would taste good and she wouldn't mind a sugar rush to get her day started. Should she eat it? Not if she's saying yes to being healthy. That yes cuts outrepparttar 130350 possibility of junk food and helps to prevent a future morning inrepparttar 130351 mirror asking "How did this happen to me?"

Creating the Best Year of Your Life

Written by Sopan Greene, M.A.

Creatingrepparttar Best Year of Your Life by Sopan Greene http://www.AngryEnoughToChange.com

Atrepparttar 130345 end of each year, and on their birthdays, many people take time to reflect and look ahead. If you're one of these people, or if you would like to start gettingrepparttar 130346 benefits from a little self reflection, then I have some great questions for you.

These questions can be looked at once a year, once a month or whenever you're looking for some direction in your life. I invite you to take a good hard look at your life more than once a year. You'll get a lot more out of your life if you're more conscious about what you're creating.

Some ofrepparttar 130347 questions weren't developed by me and many are from a terrific book called "Your Best Year Yet: Ten Questions for Makingrepparttar 130348 Next Twelve Months Your Most Successfull Ever" by Jinny S. Ditzler. I highly recommend it if you want to go a little deeper.

These questions have been designed to help you to take time to completerepparttar 130349 year and to formulaterepparttar 130350 new year from a clean slate. By working onrepparttar 130351 following questions you will complete this year powerfully so you can haverepparttar 130352 room to build a new "me" forrepparttar 130353 new year.

Looking at this past year:

1. What do I want to be acknowledged for?

2. What did I accomplish?

3. What did I want to accomplish that I did not accomplish? (Do I still want to do this?)

4. What did I say I would do that I didn't do? (Do I still want to do this?)

5. Who do I need to be in communication with?

6. What were my biggest disappointments?

7. What did I learn? - List 3 lessons which will makerepparttar 130354 most difference if you remember them this year? (See them as guidelines for next year).

Changing patterns:

1. How do you limit yourself and how can you transform these actions to be powerful?

2. What do you say to yourself to explain your failures? (These false beliefs are your limiting paradigm).

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