Consolidating Your Government Student Loans

Written by Dale Ronewicz

A Consolidation Loan allows you to combine your federal student loans into a single loan with one monthly payment, which can be significantly lower thanrepparttar payment required underrepparttar 145459 standard 10-year repayment option. Underrepparttar 145460 Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) Program, banks, secondary markets, credit unions, and other lenders providerepparttar 145461 Consolidation Loans. Underrepparttar 145462 William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan (Direct Loan) Program,repparttar 145463 federal government providesrepparttar 145464 loans.

Most federal education loans are eligible for consolidation, including subsidized and unsubsidized Direct and FFEL Stafford Loans, SLS, Federal Perkins Loans, Federal Nursing Loans, and Health Education Assistance Loans. Private education loans are not eligible. PLUS Loan borrowers (parent borrowers) also can consolidate their loans.

To apply for a Direct Loan Consolidation or an FFEL Consolidationrepparttar 145465 borrower must contactrepparttar 145466 lender and complete an application. Most lenders provide borrowers withrepparttar 145467 ability to apply on-line or request an application overrepparttar 145468 telephone. Once an application is completed and submitted,repparttar 145469 lender will request information fromrepparttar 145470 borrower’s other lenders or from its own system to determinerepparttar 145471 amounts outstanding onrepparttar 145472 borrowers loans. The borrower will then receive notification aboutrepparttar 145473 consolidation loan, normal consumer disclosures,repparttar 145474 amount owed, and if appropriate, where to make payments.

Are you sick of the Financial Insecurity of Fluctuating Seasons and Income?

Written by Mandy Nield

Find a stable and secure income that will come year in, year out, no matter what happens onrepparttar farm. By investing off farm, you are not only providing a secure income now, but also preparing for retirement. This IS attainable by all levels of income earners and people of all ages.

I am a farmer’s wife and have lived through some good and bad seasons onrepparttar 145423 farm. If farming was all about money, then we wouldn’t still be here. Most of us farmers genuinely LOVErepparttar 145424 lifestyle that farming brings.

However, being a ‘city girl’ and marrying a farmer, I struggle withrepparttar 145425 insecurity and irregularity of income. These days, you’d have to be a top financial professional to get it right 100% ofrepparttar 145426 time. Some years we seem to have plenty of money and other we’re in debt before we even start paying for seeding expenses (and that doesn’t even includerepparttar 145427 tax due!). Does this sound familiar?

Well, I’ve got some great news for you. I have discovered a way that provides a regular income that is not affected byrepparttar 145428 rainfall! My husband and I have been investing in real estate now for a couple of years and have found that even in bad times, we still have that income to fall back on. This brings real ‘peace of mind.’ Trust me, it’s really not as hard or as expensive, as it sounds, and we as farmers have an extra huge benefit that we can take advantage of, and that is –repparttar 145429 fluctuating seasons and income! (I bet that’s a surprise!)

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