Corporate Identity

Written by Van Freytag

This article is aboutrepparttar importance of good Corporate Identity, and it's more than just your sales team andrepparttar 100631 people who answer your telephones that portraysrepparttar 100632 image of your business. When not in direct contact with your firm, your customers or potential customers userepparttar 100633 impression that they already have in their heads of your company. When we remember something we use images to categorize in our heads what we are trying to remember, when it's a company we remember things about it by thinking aboutrepparttar 100634 corporate identity (usuallyrepparttar 100635 Logo and colours used).

In conclusion it is usually your corporate look that customers think of when they think of your business. The first impression of your company for a customer will probably be your logo, which they will use to make assumptions about your business. If your an entertainment or events company and your logo is dull boring and been done before then thatsrepparttar 100636 exact impression that they will have of your services. If your an IT company and your logo is sharp swift and technical, thatsrepparttar 100637 exact first impression that your customer will have of you and your business. - You know what they say, first impressions do last! Onrepparttar 100638 same note Corporate Identities are remembered.

Your Corporate Identity is also an important attraction mechanism for your company, therefore it must look good and be aesthetically pleasing torepparttar 100639 customer as well as having a conceptual meaning behind it in accordance with what products and/or services your business provides. Your logo must be an easy object forrepparttar 100640 eyes to pick up and forrepparttar 100641 brain to remember, this is because if your competitors logo is much easier to rememberrepparttar 100642 client will remember it first! You'll loose that customer, and many more.

Competition Freebies and Sponsorship For Free Advertising and Link Popularity

Written by Mark Falco

How many competitions are there running onrepparttar net at this time? 1000 maybe? Nah, 100,000 is more than likely and when they close there will be just as many to take their place.

So, why are companies so desperate to give away free stuff just for answering a question or two? I'll tell you why...

...because it is an INCREDIBLY effective and very INEXPENSIVE way to get your company name mentioned on hundreds, if not thousands of websites, message boards, forums, blogs and conversations both inrepparttar 100630 online and offline world, not to mentionrepparttar 100631 good PR it generates that's why!

Who doesn't want their company name-dropped all overrepparttar 100632 place for what amounts to mere peanuts when compared torepparttar 100633 costs of traditional advertising?

There are thousands of specialist competition and freebie sites whose sole purpose is to informrepparttar 100634 rest ofrepparttar 100635 internet when a new competition or freebie offer hitsrepparttar 100636 internet. There are as many mailing lists, newsgroups, message boards and blogs onrepparttar 100637 same subject and YOUR company name could be plastered over all these when you add a competition giveaway to your site.

But it doesn't stop there.

If you are reading this as a webmaster then you obviously know allrepparttar 100638 major search engines look upon inbound links as being one ofrepparttar 100639 main deciding factors in deciding which pages rank where inrepparttar 100640 organic search engine results. All these free, one-way inbound links pointing directly at your website are pure gold dust in terms of increasing your link popularity and thrusting you up towardsrepparttar 100641 top ofrepparttar 100642 search engines.

Whilst everyone else is rushing around participating in link exchange programs, renting links on websites, buying their way into search engines and more costly measures to help getrepparttar 100643 jump on their competitors, you could be flying uprepparttar 100644 rankings by giving away something as cheap as a $20 DVD once a month...

Of course, you can also make your generosity work extra hard for your business as well and really milk that competition freebie...

Rather than just give one lucky visitor a chance to win something when they leave their details at your site how about some of these ideas to get a double hit from your freebie:

1) Newsletter Competition

A competition give-away to everyone who signs up with your newsletter. Draw an email address fromrepparttar 100645 hat every month and announce it inrepparttar 100646 newsletter and you'll triple your subscription rate and keep them reading. Want to ensure they really read it? Ask a question about a specific aspect ofrepparttar 100647 newsletter and get people to email it in and draw a winner from one ofrepparttar 100648 entrants. You get more subscribers AND you ensure they're reading!

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