Credit Cards

Written by Chris Cooper

Credit cards are a form of unsecured credit. The issuer is extending you a line of credit, usually tacking on all sorts of little surprises inrepparttar fine print. This type of credit is probablyrepparttar 111794 most commonly used.

If you have a great credit rating, you’re probably bombarded with offers of new cards. They usually carry no annual fees,repparttar 111795 interest rates are reasonable (as far as credit cards go), you get close to a month’s grace period and there might be some fetching initial offers, such as no interest for 6 months on balance transfers and new purchasers.

Others of us who are not so lucky, might have to pay $20 or more a year for a card,repparttar 111796 interest rates will be higher andrepparttar 111797 come-ons less enticing or non-existent. Grace periods may be as short as 20 days and you might have to make sure you payment is received early enough sorepparttar 111798 credit card company will consider it paid on time.

Still others might not be able to get anything other than a secured credit card, one where you make a deposit first and then are allowed to charge torepparttar 111799 extent ofrepparttar 111800 deposit. This kind of card, while expensive, can be helpful in rebuilding credit if you have had credit problems.

Then there are cards likerepparttar 111801 original American Express or Diner’s Club cards, where you’re expected to payrepparttar 111802 entire bill every month as it comes due. This kind of card forces you to be more careful with your spending, although it is becoming more frequent for a line of credit to be attached to them also, to allow you to pay for some purchases over time.

Credit cards are not bad things in and of themselves, but can become bad things very quickly. You can charge just about anything and get to pay for it about a month later. You can take part inrepparttar 111803 many rewards programs and get points for things you would have bought anyway, like food or gasoline. This is all great if you pay offrepparttar 111804 bill every month.

The problem is that if you run up your credit card debt, but only pay repparttar 111805 minimum payment, that $300 TV you got on sale will really cost well over $1000. It can take 10 or more years to pay off a $5000 debt if you only payrepparttar 111806 minimum each month. Most people are unlikely to want to pay off a tank off gas ten years after it was used up.

If you read your monthly statements closely, you will see thatrepparttar 111807 monthly minimum payment is barely enough to cover your interest due for that month. You are not making any dent inrepparttar 111808 amount you owe.

So probablyrepparttar 111809 best solution is to stay away from credit cards. But that probably is also not a realistic solution for most people. And credit cards are necessary for some things; for example if you want to rent a car. They can be very handy in an emergency.

Bad Credit Mortgage Loan - How To Get One

Written by Carrie Reeder

A few years ago, if you had a bankruptcy or a foreclosure on your credit report, you could forget about trying to get a mortgage loan. If you were lucky enough to find someone who would finance you, your interest rate would be throughrepparttar roof and plan on putting 10-20% down. But today, this is notrepparttar 111793 case. There are many programs available today to help people who have recently suffered a bankruptcy or foreclosure to get a mortgage loan or mortgage refinance loan. There are two things to do if you are in this situation: 1. Get yourself a free copy of your credit report from all 3 major credit bureaus, look over everything, do you see any mistakes? Make sure everything included in your bankruptcy or foreclosure reports accurately on your credit report. Make sure those accounts involved in a bankruptcy or foreclosure are not showing something else like collection or charge-off.. That could make your score much lower than it needs to be. If you have a bankruptcy or foreclosure, you want everything involved to say so, so it is all under 1 circumstance, instead of many. You can dispute all errors on your credit report online nowadays. It takes about 15 minutes. You can do it right onrepparttar 111794 website of Equifax, TransUnion or Experian. 2. Once you have checked your credit reports, apply only to places that submit your application to many lenders. Every time your credit report is pulled, it will knock your credit score down a little. If you apply to a mortgage service that will submit your application to many lenders, then you only have one credit inquiry and can receive offers from up to 4 lenders per application.

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