Ebay And Dropshipping, A Marriage Made In Heaven?

Written by Ron Keegan

Believe it or not, eBay isrepparttar 'BEST' opportunity you can use right now to make money online inrepparttar 100322 dropshipping business fromrepparttar 100323 comfort of your own home.

Thousands of people just like you use eBay auctions on a daily basis to sell and buy products onrepparttar 100324 Internet; now it's your time to START your own dropshipping home-based business and succeed inrepparttar 100325 eBay auctions 'game'!

There are no special skills required for this dropshipping business, all you need is a computer, Internet access and some basic computer / Internet knowledge.

Dropshipping is when you sell products onrepparttar 100326 Web, forwardrepparttar 100327 orders torepparttar 100328 dropship supplier and, in return,repparttar 100329 dropshipper shipsrepparttar 100330 product to your customer (buyer).

You act asrepparttar 100331 middleman betweenrepparttar 100332 dropshipping supplier and your buyer. You can take orders by credit card, PayPal fax or any other method you can think of. You can sell via your own Web Site, Yahoo store, or even through e-mails.

Your profit is generated onrepparttar 100333 difference between your selling price andrepparttar 100334 pricerepparttar 100335 dropshipping supplier charges you.

Thanks to dropshipping you can start making money 'instantly' without any investment in inventory, warehousing, shipping, equipment, employees or office space.

Having products drop shipped by suppliers, allows you to concentrate on truly important aspects like advertising, sales and promotion.

Pay attention! There are lots of companies claiming to be 'Drop Shippers'. However, a legitimate drop shipper is a factory-authorized wholesale distributor, or sometimesrepparttar 100336 actual manufacturer ofrepparttar 100337 product. A legitimate drop shipper should not charge you an 'account setup fee' or ask you to place a 'minimum quantity order'.

Patience: Don’t Start Your Business Without It

Written by Donnie Baird

In this world of instant gratification, there is still a place for one ofrepparttar keys virtues known to man, especially forrepparttar 100321 work at home entrepreneur: Patience. Patience is defined as bearing or enduring pain, difficulty, provocation, or annoyance with calmness. It also means persevering; constant. Why is that so important for someone who is starting or is operating their own work at home business? Let me explain by telling you my story.

I found outrepparttar 100322 importance of patience through a mistake I made several years ago. I enrolled in a work at home business inrepparttar 100323 mid 90’s. But, instead of being patient, I decided quickly that it wasn’t for me and I moved on to another opportunity. Well, I decided that one wasn’t for me either and I moved to another, then another, and another. Finally, I ran across an opportunity that really appealed to me. I found it on a simple web search. I clicked onrepparttar 100324 guy’s website, signed up, and waited with anticipation for more details. I mean, this was exactly what I was looking for. I patted myself onrepparttar 100325 back for being “patient”. After all, I hadn’t wasted my time with those other opportunities, right? Well, it turns out that this new opportunity wasrepparttar 100326 same work at home business that I had started to begin with! So instead of not wasting time like I thought, I had wasted several years but not sticking withrepparttar 100327 original opportunity. Ha d I been patient to start with, there is no telling how far up inrepparttar 100328 business I would have been.

Throughrepparttar 100329 years, I have learnedrepparttar 100330 importance of patience in several areas ofrepparttar 100331 work at home business Entrepreneur.

First, you need patience to get to know your new business. It’s kind of like getting to know your spouse. Would you give your marriage 30 days and say it’s too hard and leave? It takes time to get to know them. Your business is no different. A genuine work at business will offer you some type of training. You may need to go throughrepparttar 100332 training several times to getrepparttar 100333 idea of how things work. You need to get to know any products you offer by studying them and giving them a try yourself. You need to understandrepparttar 100334 compensation plan so there will not be any surprises downrepparttar 100335 road when you get your commission checks. You need time to understand exactly how you are to promote your business. Be patient and you will gainrepparttar 100336 understanding you need.

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