Effective Collaboration - Working With Your Ghostwriter

Written by Bonnie Jo Davis

Using a ghostwriter to craft your free reprint articles and marketing materials is an excellent way to maximize your time and profit. The fastest and most effective way to find a freelance ghostwriter or editor is to post your writing projects on an on-line service like Freelance Work Exchange at http://tinyurl.com/3v69r . This allows interested writers to submit their proposals to you. It makes short-order of a needle-in-a-haystack task.

If you've already posted a writing opportunity, you've probably received several proposals and/or bids from interested writers. Whether you're already working with a ghostwriter or still considering potential candidates, you want to develop a working relationship that is both professional and congenial as well. This will allow you to maximizerepparttar benefits of having your own ghostwriter.

Working with your ghostwriter should be an easy and productive experience. After all, removingrepparttar 128809 pressure of not having time to write and still gaining exposure through marketing with articles is your purpose for even considering a ghostwriter. It may take a few projects and a little time to develop a good working relationship with a regular ghostwriter, but there are several ways that you can helprepparttar 128810 process along from your end.

- Your ghostwriter is not your employee, at least not inrepparttar 128811 traditional sense. Remember, freelance writers offer their services on a contractual basis. You can't expect your ghostwriter to drop all other projects to work on yours exclusively, without prior notice. By developing a good working relationship with your ghostwriter you can be assured that they will give your projects priority.

- Be open to suggestions from your ghostwriter. He/she may have powerful ideas that can help you target your audience more effectively. Don't be afraid to ask for his/her ideas or opinions, especially if he/she has been writing for several years. Whilerepparttar 128812 subject of an article is always your decision, your ghostwriter may have an article idea that could be very productive for you.

- Offer ongoing and/or continuing opportunities. One ofrepparttar 128813 best ways to guarantee that a professional is always enthusiastic about writing for you is to offer projects on a regular basis. You'll often be able to receive a less than standard rate for services once you've established yourself as a recurring client.

- Mix it up a bit in your writing opportunities. Here's where you get to expand your work and also increase your exposure in marketing with articles. If there are related subject areas in which you are involved offer your ghostwriter opportunities to help you with these as well. Remember that you can ask your ghostwriter to rewrite sections of your web site, proofread your correspondence or write proposals. This helps keep things fresh forrepparttar 128814 writer when you allow him/her to focus on other subjects or other areas of writing.

Help to the writer by a judge of several major TV script and screenplay contests. Advice and tips on preparing a script before entering a contest.

Written by Lynne Pembroke

Introduction There are many screenplay contests available torepparttar aspiring screenwriter.  These contests can be a good avenue to getting one's work noticed and/or make a sale.  So, it's important to make certain that you have written your screenplay torepparttar 128807 best of your ability and according to industry standards.

The most important thing to do for any aspiring screenwriter is to first learnrepparttar 128808 basic techniques of screenwriting before sitting down to write one.  I come across many hopeful writers who think that all it takes to write a script is a good story idea and a lot of explosive special effects.  While a good story is important, with or withoutrepparttar 128809 special effects, writing that story using proper industry standards is equally important.  (Please visit http://www.coverscript.com/education.html -- Tips for Screenwriters link for further information.)

There are specific techniques torepparttar 128810 craft of screenwriting involving everything from act structure to proper screenplay format, which must be followed.  It's difficult to write engaging characters, focused plots and entertaining screenplays without having a solid framework in which to bring it all to life.

Before any money is spent submitting your work to a screenwriting contest, it would behooverepparttar 128811 writer to first educate himself inrepparttar 128812 "tools ofrepparttar 128813 trade".  There are many, many screenwriting books available as well as workshops and seminars, both online and in live classroom situations.  My advice is to take advantage of them.  Then, armed withrepparttar 128814 basics, write, write and then write some more.

Then before submitting your work to any screenplay competition have it copyrighted and WGA registered.  (United States Copyright office: http://www.loc.gov/copyright. Writers Guild of America: http://www.wga.org.)

Advice and Suggestions I am a judge for many contests and as such, have read thousands of TV scripts and screenplays.  I can assure you thatrepparttar 128815 winners are chosen because their screenplays or TV scripts contain great stories and are written to industry standards.  Therefore, putting your best foot forward is a must.  Below are some pointers to keep in mind before you submit your screenplay.

  • If your purpose is to "break intorepparttar 128816 business", make certain thatrepparttar 128817 script contest you enter offers meetings with agents and/or producers as part ofrepparttar 128818 prize for winning and not just cash prizes.  Of course, if it is justrepparttar 128819 extra cash you're after, then go for it!

  • Make certain, before you write that entry fee check and send in your material, thatrepparttar 128820 screenplay contest or TV script competition is a reputable one and indeed has, inrepparttar 128821 past, delivered to its winners what it promised in its promotion.

  • Presentation of your screenplay does count so make certain your screenplay followsrepparttar 128822 accepted industry standards.  This not only includes usingrepparttar 128823 proper screenplay format but also such things as a typo-free screenplay andrepparttar 128824 correct binding.

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