Eliminating Heavy Metal Toxins Naturally

Written by Patricia Valle

Eliminate Heavy Metal Toxins Naturally

Some metals are necessary as these are minerals our body meeds. Most heavy metals are toxic and cause cancer, thyroid problems, learning disabilities, neurological problems, hormone imbalances, and many other health problems. Heavy metals are found inrepparttar foods we eat,repparttar 115486 air we breathe, in buildings, clothes, machinery, tap water, dental fillings and cooking utensils, just to name a few.

Over halfrepparttar 115487 US population have too much heavy metals in their bodies. These metals include aluminum, mercury, lead, arsenic, and cadmium. High levels of aluminum affectrepparttar 115488 nervous system, liver and kidneys. Studies suggest that an accumulation of aluminum may cause hyperactivity in children, Alzheimer's disease, and dementia in older people. Food and water may be contaminated when cooked in aluminum utensils. Aluminum can also be found in deodorants, antacids and coffee whiteners. Mercury toxicity stems from dental amalgams, fish and shellfish from polluted waters, paper-making factories, and tap water. Mercury can damagerepparttar 115489 heart, brain, lungs, kidneys, adrenal, pituitary and thyroid glands. High levels of lead stored in body tissues can be fatal. Lead is found in old painted, lead pipes, lead-glazed earthenware that's cracked or damaged, bone meal, tobacco, traffic fumes, unlined saucepans, and fruits and vegetables exposed to toxic fumes from moving vehicles. Symptoms of lead poisoning include behavior problems, heart disease, high blood pressure, anemia, and damage torepparttar 115490 heart and brain. lead also displaces calcium inrepparttar 115491 body. Arsenic is found in shellfish, ceramics, insecticides, and wallpaper. Large doses are fatal. Cadmium is found on or near industrial areas, cigarette smoke, old plaster, and in rubber products. Too much cadmium replacesrepparttar 115492 mineral zinc inrepparttar 115493 body tissues, affectingrepparttar 115494 kidneys and causing high blood pressure.

Since heavy metals are not metabolized byrepparttar 115495 body but accumulated inrepparttar 115496 tissues, essential nutrients cannot be absorbed. The heavy metals then provoke chronic inflammation and a breakdown inrepparttar 115497 immune system which can lead to chronic dieseases such as arthritis and cancer. Common symptoms of heavy metal toxicity include depression, headaches, digestive problems, high blood pressure, fatigue, muscle pain, brain fog, constipation and hormonal imbalances.

A Simple Strategy for Managing ADD

Written by ADD Coach Jennifer Koretsky

A Simple Strategy for Managing ADD By ADD Coach Jennifer Koretsky © Copyright 2003 As an ADD Coach, I usually begin my conversations with new and potential clients by saying, “Tell me about yourself and why you’re looking for coaching.” Most people answer with a long list of their ADD challenges. Very few people answer that they are looking to discover, enhance, or utilize their strengths. This is a big part of coaching, and a part that many people need a lot of help with. Unfortunately, many ADDers spend too much of their time focusing on what they think they do wrong. This is understandable; as most of us have spent a lifetime learning how to deal with attention inconsistency, impulsivity, hyperactivity, emotional reactivity, and other challenges that our ADD has presented. However, few of us actually take time to appreciate our ability to manage these challenges and bounce back fromrepparttar difficult times. And when we don’t balancerepparttar 115485 good stuff withrepparttar 115486 not-so-good stuff, we can become frustrated, unmotivated, and unhappy. Every single person in this world has strengths and interests – things we do well and things we like to do. Learning to focus some time on those strengths and interests

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