Embrace the Change that is Digitally Yours!

Written by Maricon Williams

To master digital technology, one has to be knowledgeable ofrepparttar fundamentals of photography likerepparttar 136720 depth of field and exposure ofrepparttar 136721 subject. A Photoshop guru can save an otherwise lousy shot. Believe me it can make a wild difference between a poorly taken original image. Photoshop mastery can give it life, spice and character!

You must be aware that old techniques most ofrepparttar 136722 time, is lacking thus, we have to incorporate various and recent techniques in order to come up with a fabulous creation that can transcend limitations.

When you are taking a subject which has strong light and deep shadows, you have to capture bothrepparttar 136723 details andrepparttar 136724 range of tones. You can do it by taking two or more different shots or images. When your subject is not moving, it is easy for you to have several original and identical images. Then seize different exposures. After that, you can combine them together to give an atmosphere of transparency. Bear in mind though, that you have to knowrepparttar 136725 exposure latitude. If you are not sure about what you are doing, just bracketrepparttar 136726 exposures to capturerepparttar 136727 highlights and shadows.

There can be a situation where you can’t getrepparttar 136728 entire image in focus. This may be frustrating but withrepparttar 136729 help

Color Psychology Will Make Or Break Your Sales Success

Written by Catherine Franz

Color psychology isrepparttar biggest question I receive on a regular basis. The reason being is it's importance. Color is a trigger that is associated with traditions and used in marketing overrepparttar 136696 years so well that they must be honored or sales are lost.

Color will also trigger reactions. It is a given. This is why you must know how to chooserepparttar 136697 right color forrepparttar 136698 right reaction atrepparttar 136699 right time.

Because of a color's relevance to success in marketing, I always like to continue sharing and repeating in some cases, what colors to use and when.

Here are eleven ofrepparttar 136700 basic colors. These colors work for triggers on Americans only. Every country, culture, have different representations for color. If you are even selling torepparttar 136701 Asian culture inrepparttar 136702 United States,repparttar 136703 colors will change. Learnrepparttar 136704 colors of whom you are selling too and sales will blossom just like a rainbow of tulips in your garden.

Quick List

Red Red creates excitement, displays strength, is used to express s*e*x, passion, speed and danger. Use appropriately and it works extremely well.

Blue This isrepparttar 136705 most popular color. Why? Because it builds trust, reminds people of sky gazing/dreaming. Thus, builds trust, conveys reliability, a sense of belonging, coolness (inrepparttar 136706 1980's sense), refreshing and clean.

Yellow We think ofrepparttar 136707 sun and sunshine, it's warmth, being cheerful and happy. Place it together with blue and thoughts of sitting onrepparttar 136708 beach or looking out overrepparttar 136709 ocean connect.

Orange Orange isn't used much in marketing. On a computer screen it looses its hue. When it is clearly visible that it is orange, it conveys playfulness, triggers child-like behavior -- great in workshops if you want to take people to that place, it also conveys warmth and vibrancy.

Green When we think of green we associate with trees and grass. This brings up associations with nature, freshness, coolness. It also means growth and abundance. Money is green and we are automatically associating green with prosperity.

Purple Royal purple brings up pictures of royalty. Conveyed throughrepparttar 136710 centuries from religion and palace decorations isn't going to change any of our associations today. Purple means spirituality and dignity as well.

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