Emotional Intelligence: Why It Works So Well

Written by Susan Dunn, MA, Personal and Professional Development Coach

Emotional Intelligence (EQ) isrepparttar study of “the wider range of qualities which enable people to excel – self-awareness, impulse control, persistence, empathy, etc.” (Daniel Goleman).

It refers to your ability to understand and manage your own feelings and those of others, and to userepparttar 101682 information to guide you to relate better, plan more flexibly, think more creatively, prioritize, motivate yourself and others, have better relationships and better health.

Emotional Intelligence is based on a number of competencies you can learn. Four of them are CREATIVITY, INTENTIONALITY, RESILIENCE and AUTHENTICITY. Depending upon which system you study, there are 12-24 of these competencies.

Why does it work so well? Because it solves problems quickly and effectively. If, for instance, you’re not getting along at work, if you went to therapy,repparttar 101683 therapist would immediately start looking for causes, and they would multiple. Causes might include chronic pain, anger, depression, passive-aggressive behavior, authority conflict, beingrepparttar 101684 first born orrepparttar 101685 youngest, beingrepparttar 101686 middle child, you’re codependent, or an alcoholic.

The problem with these explanations is we all know people who are in chronic pain who are able to get along, or depressed, or passive-aggressive only in certain circumstances.

Emotional Intelligence, onrepparttar 101687 other hand assumes that you aren’t getting along because you don’t know how to. Pretty simple, isn’t it? You aren’t being creative because you don’t know how to be. You aren’t resilient because no one ever taught you. You aren’t intentional because you’ve never seen it modeled by someone.

Does It Matter What You Wear?

Written by Susan Dunn, MA, Personal and Professional Development Coach

Of course it does! We want to be appropriately and comfortably dressed so it isn’t distracting. How can you court your honey when your shirt collar is choking you? your waistband is too tight? How can you represent your client ifrepparttar judge doesn’t allow women lawyers to appear in court in pants? How can you enjoy touringrepparttar 101681 Turtle Farm on Barbados when it’s 95 degrees and you’ve got on polyester slacks? How can you workrepparttar 101682 Trade Show when your feet are killing you?


· How much money you have · How you spend your money · Your values · How you take care of things · How organized you are · How creative you are · What profession or industry you're in · Whether you're a copy-cat or an original


It's easy to do -- clothing is all around us -- so spend some time analyzing. This is something you need to master.

It's been said "dress forrepparttar 101683 position you next want," so take a look around your office. Where arerepparttar 101684 lines drawn. How do you fit in?

Be mindful. Are you representing what you want to, and what you intend to? I’m thinking ofrepparttar 101685 mother at our children’s 8th grade outdoor morning graduation ceremony in spangles, cleavage, boa and dangly earrings. What look was she after, I wondered. She had achievedrepparttar 101686 “appearing nightly” look.


The emotionally intelligent person plans ahead. When planning to travel on business, call a coach inrepparttar 101687 area you're going to.

Male lawyers in San Antonio, TX USA wear suspenders, while when my sister first started practicing law in D. C., judges did not permit women lawyers to wear pantsuits in court.

In San Antonio, TX there isn't much use for a coat rack. I had no idea when I got torepparttar 101688 Chicago Art Museum that I could check my coat and boots. There were lockers. How nice! But neither was I prepared for how hot they keep their buildings. People who come to San Antonio are never prepared for how icy we keep our buildings inrepparttar 101689 summer.


Of course it does, because you want to be able to concentrate on what's really important.

You'll probably have a sense of what areas ofrepparttar 101690 country are different, and in which areas dress matters more than in others.

I had no idea for instance what to wear for a professional trip to Seattle, Washington (USA). Don't laugh, but all I'd seen in photos was lumber jackets and jeans. Of course YOU are not your CLOTHES, butrepparttar 101691 more comfortable I am,repparttar 101692 better I can do my job, andrepparttar 101693 more I'll enjoy myself. As my friend who didn't listen to me and took her bright floral patterned dresses to D. C. found out, there are good ways to stand out, and there are bad ways to stand out. Inrepparttar 101694 room of 300 people all wearing solid colors, she might as well have had a bone in her nose. She found it hard to get it out of her mind. That can takerepparttar 101695 edge off what you're about! FORGETTING

Where I live it is 98 for a good part ofrepparttar 101696 year, and then plummets allrepparttar 101697 way to, oh maybe freezing once in a while. It is said to snow once every ten years, but it’s been longer than that since last it did. Therefore, I forget what “cold” means. I know cold, I went to college in Minnesota but I forgetrepparttar 101698 feel of it. When I arrived in Duluth, MN in February and it was 40 below – honest degrees, not windchill – I was appalled. When you check with that coach, don't settle for "it's cold up here" or "it could be 40 below," ask them "what's should I bring?" and, as I did before going to Russia, "please tell me what it feesl like when it's 70 degrees with 100 percent humidity and wind blowing at X mph."

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