Ephedra Back on the Market

Written by Sharon Hardy

April 14, 2005, federal judge Tena Campbell ofrepparttar Utah federal district court reversedrepparttar 143641 ban on ephedra.

Ephedra is a herb used over 5000 years ago to treat several disorders, such as asthma and bronchitis. Because ephedra hasrepparttar 143642 ability to increase metabolism,and burn fat it became a popular ingredient used in diet pills.

About 12 to 17 million people consumed ephedra in 1999, reportsrepparttar 143643 Americian Herbal Products Association. The Nutrition Business Journal estimated that sales of ephedra in 2002 were $1.25 billion

Ephedra is so powerful its safety was questionedrepparttar 143644 FDA removed ephedra also known by its chinese name Ma-huang fromrepparttar 143645 market in April 2004 claiming that it was responsible for dozens of deaths.

Judge Campbell states that drug agencies had failed to prove that ephedra at low doses was dangerous, and that it lackedrepparttar 143646 authority to banrepparttar 143647 substance without such proof. She called forrepparttar 143648 FDA to liftrepparttar 143649 ban on ephedra.

Dropping The Carbs - The Pro's and Cons of Ketogenic Dieting Part 1

Written by Andrew Langhorn

Dropping The Carbs? The Pro's and Cons of Ketogenic Dieting Author: Andrew Langhorn

We must all now be familiar withrepparttar Atkins Diet. Of all ofrepparttar 143536 ‘trend’ diets that move through our popular culture, none has caused as much interest or controversy. Put forward byrepparttar 143537 late Dr. Robert Atkins inrepparttar 143538 70’s,repparttar 143539 diet that has caused a storm is continuing to acquire both dedicated followers and severe opponents both within and withoutrepparttar 143540 medical community. The Atkins diet itself is onlyrepparttar 143541 most popular of an approach usually called low-carb diets because ofrepparttar 143542 primary interest in restricting consumption of Carbohydrates. Sincerepparttar 143543 entire spectrum of our food is drawn from proteins, fats, carbohydrates or water, severe restriction of one group is seen by many as an arbitrary and possibly even dangerous step. Most ofrepparttar 143544 controversy surrounding low-carb approaches is not that they lie about weight-loss (studies continue to show marked weight-loss in many who userepparttar 143545 diets) butrepparttar 143546 disturbing possibility that cuttingrepparttar 143547 carbs out of your diet just isn’t healthy. After all, what good is a diet that slims you down only to clog up your arteries and kill you? We’ve heard many arguments both for and againstrepparttar 143548 use of low-carbohydrate diets, this article asks a radical question: Can going Low-Carb actually be healthy? WHY SHOULD I LIMIT SUGAR & GRAINS? The first and most obvious carbohydrate group and one we rarely have much argument about reducing is sugar. Sugar is a catch all term for a number of simple carbohydrates including fructose (fruit sugar), Galactose (milk sugar), sucrose (table sugar) and glucose (simple sugars such as blood sugar). Sugar consumption has been onrepparttar 143549 increase for decades and, despiterepparttar 143550 numerous campaigns against saturated fats, is certainlyrepparttar 143551 biggest contributing factor torepparttar 143552 increasing obesity epidemic. Eating sugar causes a number of physiological effects inrepparttar 143553 body. The most striking of these isrepparttar 143554 sudden and marked increase in blood insulin. Insulin isrepparttar 143555 hormone in our body responsible for ‘taxiing’repparttar 143556 food broken down in out stomach torepparttar 143557 various parts of our body that require these substances, although it has numerous uses. First, and most importantly, sugar, as glucose levels in out blood is extremely toxic. Left in our bloodstream without control elevated sugar levels would kill us quickly, sorepparttar 143558 powerful release of insulin helps keep our blood cleared of excess glucose. Unfortunately insulin is a double-edged sword. Excess sugar in our body cannot be disposed of in an unlimited number of ways. With our increasing sedentary lifestyles refusing to burn off much of this sudden and quick release of carbohydrate as we consume, sugar is rapidly converted torepparttar 143559 same saturated fats we are constantly warned about. (As you can see, limiting saturated fat inrepparttar 143560 diet does not prevent us from accumulating fat in our bodies) Sugar has other unpleasant side effects. The constantly elevated insulin levels can eventually lead to decreased insulin sensitivity (Syndrome X) and another case of Type II diabetes. Sugar also has an effect on cortisol and our adrenal glands. It causes an excess of these hormones leading to symptoms of stress and fatigue. Sugar also competes withrepparttar 143561 glucose carriers in our blood, which work with vitamins like Vitamin C, causing disruption to our preciously balanced immune system and causing premature ageing ofrepparttar 143562 skin.

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