Essential Weight Loss & Health Strategies For Women

Written by Phil Beckett

Essential Weight Loss & Health Strategies For Women By Phil Beckett Copyright © Physique Concepts Inc.

Why is it that some struggle to stay in shape while others achieve unbelievable results that inspire themselves and others?

It's actually very simple. Excellent results come from a plan, a specifically designed women's fitness program that includes weight training and cardio workouts along with excellent nutrition and supplementation.

Below you'll learnrepparttar essential strategies that will enable you to achieve your goals. These simple strategies can be immediately implemented into your lifestyle with little sacrifice on your part. It will add quality years to your life.

1. Don't be too aggressive. One ofrepparttar 130984 biggest problems most women encounter when starting a health & fitness program is rapidly depleted motivation after only a few weeks due to an overly ambitious plan.

As you become accustomed torepparttar 130985 lifestyle shift, you can add more days and get improved results. But beware: if you try to do too much too fast, you may end up quitting altogether.

2. If you don't enjoy doing resistance training or are pressed for time, concentrate on workingrepparttar 130986 largest muscle groups with compound resistance movements.

A lack of success is generally just a lack of understanding of how a woman's body works. Most women want to lose fat and tone and firm their bodies.

The way to do that is to use resistance to train large muscle groups.

3. Stretching improves flexibility, blood flow, muscle recovery, low back pain, health and a host of other things. Additionally, stretching can prevent injury, making sleep better and improve your performance.

Always stretch, but be certain not to stretch pulled muscles. You should always warm-up before stretching. However, it is very important that you know how to stretch. Never bounce!

4. Set realistic, attainable weight loss & health goals.

You must have both short-term and long-term goals so you can gauge your progress. It's crucial to have a baseline before you begin, so you can measure success.

5. Set exercise appointments with yourself.

Use your day-timer to set appointments for exercise, and then stick to them. You wouldn't miss a business meeting or client appointment, would you?

So don't miss an exercise appointment with yourself. Nothing is more important than your health. Nothing.

Everything else will crumble around you if your health fails. So make your exercise appointments a priority.

6. Exercise correctly. So much time is wasted doing, at best, unproductive exercise, or worse, dangerous exercises. Get educated on how to exercise correctly. Andrepparttar 130987 absolute best way to do that is to have someone develop a program for you and then teach you what to do and how do it right.

7. Enjoy yourself.

Can Women Still Exercise While Raising A Family?

Written by Phil Beckett

Exercise & Keeping Fit While Having A Family By Phil Beckett Copyright © Physique Concepts Inc.

Do you know how to quickly and easily adapt your eating and exercise habits so you can achieverepparttar results you want and deserve, and still haverepparttar 130981 time for a great family life?

But first, understand this; Your health isrepparttar 130982 most valuable asset you have and if it goes south, you'll inevitably spend everything you have, financially and emotionally, to get it back!

But intellectually understanding what should be done, and actually doing it, as it relates to exercise, are two very different things.

So please take a few minutes to carefully read this information, because havingrepparttar 130983 RIGHT information is critical.

Exercise sure looks very easy to fit into your daily life, if you go by what you see in allrepparttar 130984 magazines, ads and television programs out there, doesn't it?

These ads arerepparttar 130985 same everywhere you look. Women going torepparttar 130986 gym for their daily workout. Then leaving feeling great and ready to tacklerepparttar 130987 rest ofrepparttar 130988 day.

If you go by this, it would seem that it's extremely easy to fit intorepparttar 130989 every day life of all women.

But is this "vision" of exercise, reality for you and most other women, especially if you have a family?

Of course not.

It's these same magazines, ads etc that never tell you about exercise and family life; looking after an ill child or children at home, having to change 20 diapers a day (and inrepparttar 130990 middle ofrepparttar 130991 night), making meals for your entire family, etc.

I could go on forever listing allrepparttar 130992 things we as parents have to do, and being a parent of a small child I know first handrepparttar 130993 difficulties that can arise.

I've been a fitness professional for over 14 years, and even I find it difficult at times.

It's even worse when you have older children who have after school activities as well as a baby at home; both of my sisters are in this situation.

As I mentioned to you earlier, exercise is essential for a healthy life. There are many ways that you can incorporate it into your life even if you think you can't.

Exercise on a repeated basis, even moderate exercise like going for a walk, walking up stairs instead of taking an elevator, parking your car atrepparttar 130994 far end ofrepparttar 130995 parking lot when shopping, etc. will help you to improve your fitness and reduce your risk of health problems like heart disease.

Keep in mind to see any health benefits you have to do this type of exercise on a regular basis several times a week.

You might be saying to yourself that this may be fine for health reasons, but what if you want to see greater benefits?

Like many women who are raising a family, because of allrepparttar 130996 ads you see and exercise magazines you read, you may have difficulty withrepparttar 130997 commitment it appears to take to seerepparttar 130998 results you want.

You may also be unable to understandrepparttar 130999 importance of progression and versatility, and lackrepparttar 131000 personal accountability to achieve your goals, which inevitably leads to eliminating exercise all together.

Why? Three reasons: 1. Bad information; 2. It's easy to cheat yourself... 3. No guidance.

If you prepare your exercise sessions and program sensibly, help your family and friends to understand why you want to and need to exercise, and look at it in a new light yourself, you can easily eliminate any roadblocks that you may have.

Exercise With Your Family

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