Finespun Takes National Radio By Storm!

Written by Josh Epstein-Stretch The Skies

New York, NY--March 30, 2005--The problem withrepparttar music industry is that there are not enough bands like Finespun. These four gentlemen exploit every possible opportunity that comes their way. They are beginning to seerepparttar 109787 fruits of their own efforts. Finespun is currently involved with a major commercial radio campaign.

The band is taking a stab at a six-week campaign solely funded on their own dollar. Demonstrating not only faith in their own project but a true understanding of what it takes to develop their careers. The campaign is proving successful asrepparttar 109788 boys are currently being spun nationally. Their radio campaign is reaching stations fromrepparttar 109789 East coast torepparttar 109790 West coast and in between. Finespun will again capitalize on opportunities by touring in support of their radio success. They are regulars at clubs inrepparttar 109791 northeast such as Arlene's Grocery, The Alphabet Lounge, The Downtown and Acme. Along with landing themselves opening spots for Gilby Clarke (formerly of Guns 'N Roses), The London Quireboys, Hookah Brown (Black Crowe’s) and Kings X. While on tour, they have played clubs from New York to Austin and in between. In addition, they have received invitations to both SXSW and 2NMC. Because of this exposure and their continued popularity, Coca-Cola’s New Music Awards (2002) have chosen them as one ofrepparttar 109792 top fifty bands inrepparttar 109793 country.

Make Beats - Start With The Mix

Written by Peter "Jazdout" Weis

Mixing is always one ofrepparttar biggest problems for new engineers, home recordist and protools newbies. Unfortunetly eveybody thinks there is some big dark secret to mixing. Any engineer will tell you their are tricks and techniques, but no secrets. The best way to improve your mix is to improve your recordings. That sounds almost to easy, but it is true. When you first start to record vocals or an instrument with a mic dont just press record. Listen torepparttar 109786 signal coming in. Look atrepparttar 109787 wayrepparttar 109788 microphone is placed. Try changingrepparttar 109789 distance betweenrepparttar 109790 pop filter andrepparttar 109791 microphone orrepparttar 109792 pattern ofrepparttar 109793 microphone. Use your ears! Once you begin to recordrepparttar 109794 worst thing you could do is "Set It and forget it" Things are always changing when your record. Some times a vocalist will get tired andrepparttar 109795 levels will drop. Other times a vocalist might get louder and louder with each take as they get more comfortable. You have to be mindful of all these things and more to get good quality recordings. Other things that can also cause problems are Jewlery and chains. That G-Unit spinner is gonna cause havoc on on your vocal tracks. There is no need to be iced out inrepparttar 109796 booth! Make sure hats,arms, hand, legs or anyting else dont hitrepparttar 109797 microphone or stand while recording.

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