Floating In Mindfulness: Dealing With Disappoinment

Written by Maya Talisman Frost

Feeling disappointed? It's time to float.

The time-honored approach to disappointment generally involves a fair amount of wallowing followed by a concerted effort to move on. Okay, this can work. But a more mindful approach includes an interim phase between these two. It's a unique opportunity to "float".

When things don't go our way--whether we're talking about election results, a job interview, a proposal at work, or a relationship--we naturally feel disappointed. We had hoped forrepparttar best, even expectedrepparttar 122918 best (hey, we know about human motivation techniques, after all) and this apparent failure hits us pretty hard.

So,repparttar 122919 first step is to feelrepparttar 122920 emotion. Go ahead. Mad? Frustrated? Depressed? It's okay to allow yourself to feel it. You can commiserate with others or wallow alone--it's your choice.

Now, here comesrepparttar 122921 mindfulness part:

Take one giant step back. Step away fromrepparttar 122922 swirl of thoughts and emotions and simply look at it in a sort of interested bystander way. It's as though you have a clipboard and you're taking note of your response.

1) Scan your body. How does disappointment feel physically? Is it affecting your digestion, your sleep, your movement?

Scan your body for pain and tightness. Notice how your forehead feels, your cheeks, your jaw, your neck, your shoulders. Take a look at your face in a mirror. What does disappointment look like?

Continue to pass over your body mentally, noticing any pain, discomfort, tingling or tightness. Be sure to check your own personal trouble spots, whether that's your lower back, your knees, or your belly.

We tend to develop habitual physical responses to strong emotions. Make sure you are familiar with yours. Paying attention during mindful moments like this is your best defense against disease. Our hot spots can teach us a great deal, but during times of stress, we tend to focus on our thoughts instead of our bodies. Don't miss this opportunity to learn more about yours.

The 2 Ultimate Extra Steps to the “5 Steps to Creating Results in Your Life”

Written by Herve da Costa

The 2 Ultimate Extra Steps torepparttar “5 Steps to Creating Results in Your Life”

After reading “5 Steps to Creating Results in Your Life”, congratulate yourself on your desire to learn and your commitment to achieving results in your life.

Now that you have a plan and a method, are you walkingrepparttar 122917 talk consistently? Have you actually practiced it or at least tried it?

Here arerepparttar 122918 2 extra critical steps that will addressrepparttar 122919 core of your motivation.

These 2 absolutely crucial steps haverepparttar 122920 potential to lightrepparttar 122921 fire under you so that you begin to make your dreams real. Let us put your life on over-drive!

Review ofrepparttar 122922 5 Steps to Creating Results Right Now

Now, let’s start with a shorter version ofrepparttar 122923 5 powerful steps to create results in a hurry in your life.

Step #1: Develop self honesty.

All you need is to do here is to always practice telling yourselfrepparttar 122924 truth. For example: “I want it but I am not really willing to take it on”. Catch yourself being honest with yourself. It gives you strength and courage. What areas in your life need truth? Tell yourselfrepparttar 122925 truth about it and write it down.

Step #2: Create and write down your personal plan

You need to list what you will do month by month, week by week and establish how you will stay on track.

Step #3: Maintain a daily “To Do” list

Items on your “To Do” list need to be concise, specific, prioritized and realistic. For instance, “make 5 phone calls to potential clients by noon” is a good example. Stay focused on one single task until it is complete.

Step #4: Develop a self-evaluation system

You need to know how you are doing from a source that is not you. For instance, use numbers as goals, they don’t lie. Did you make your 5 phone calls or not? If you made less than 5, you missedrepparttar 122926 goal.

Step #5: Stay energized and focused

You can get derailed by harsh criticism, setbacks and unplanned events. It is crucial to surround yourself with practices and people that nourish and protect you. What people around you can help you stay positive and motivated? What regular practices can nourish your body and soul?

Why are results showing up slowly?

You may be feeling frustrated about things not happening fast enough.

You may even become unsure about your plans. This is when discouragement can kick in.

The two extra steps give a higher perspective to your project and may definitely bring more energy into it.

Do not believe anything I say here, simply try it and see what it creates for you.

Step #6: Give of yourself

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