Get Personal: Letters vs. Direct Mail

Written by Lisa Packer

One ofrepparttar reasons direct mail works isrepparttar 142938 personal aspect. It’s ostensibly a letter from you to your prospect. Because of this,repparttar 142939 more personal you make it,repparttar 142940 better your response will be.

If you’re mailing to 100,000 people, putting your prospect’s name on your letter is about as personal you can get. But there are times when you can – and should – send out highly personal letters to individual prospects.

Say you sell gardening supplies, and driving to work one day you notice a home with a lovely garden, but dying roses. You find out whorepparttar 142941 owner is and send her a letter complimenting her on her wonderful garden, along with tips on rose care. Or, you meet a prospect at a business networking function. You get back torepparttar 142942 office and send out a letter referencing your conversation and outlining what your business can do for his.

Marketing: Are You Focused?

Written by Lisa Packer

In early1992, President George H.W. Bush was riding high. He was sitting on an almost unprecedented 80% approval rating followingrepparttar first Gulf War. Conventional wisdom pegged him as a shoe-in for a second term.

Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton faced an uphill battle. He was largely unknown atrepparttar 142937 start of 1992, facing a very popular incumbent. Worse for him, his opponent “owned” foreign policy. There was no way to successfully attack him on that front.

So what didrepparttar 142938 Governor’s campaign do? They got focused. They found (or created, depending on your politics) a chink inrepparttar 142939 President’s armor:repparttar 142940 economy. Every word that came out ofrepparttar 142941 campaign’s collective mouth had something to do withrepparttar 142942 state of economic affairs. And just so no one would even think about changingrepparttar 142943 subject, signs were posted in campaign headquarters acrossrepparttar 142944 country that read, “It’srepparttar 142945 economy, stupid!”

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