Get more visitors to your website using free Traffic Exchanges

Written by Suzanne Morrison

Trying to get traffic to your new website or to your gateway pages for an affiliate program can be difficult if you are just starting out and have little or no advertising budget.

This article will explain how you can use traffic exchanges to get a steady stream of visitors to your website, without having break your budget or spend hours on end clicking away to get credits.

In simple terms, a traffic exchange is a place that you can join and view other members web pages in exchange for having your own web page viewed. Every time you view another member’s web page for a period of time (e.g. 20 seconds) your balance of credits increases. Every time a member views your web page forrepparttar same period of time your credit balance decreases.

There are two main types of traffic exchanges – manual exchanges and auto exchanges. A manual exchange requires a real human being to viewrepparttar 120205 web page and click on a link to proceed torepparttar 120206 next web page, whereas an auto exchange can be left running in your web browser and will automatically refresh to a new web page.

Although both of these methods will bring hits to your website,repparttar 120207 use of a manual exchange is far more likely to bring a visitor who will actually read what is on your web page. The auto exchange user who leaves their computer on all night, surfing web pages while they sleep is unlikely to buy your product! It is for this reason that I have not ventured downrepparttar 120208 path of using auto exchanges.

So how do you go about choosing which traffic exchange(s) to use? First let’s take a look atrepparttar 120209 most common features of a traffic exchange, so you can differentiate betweenrepparttar 120210 competition.

* Credit Surfing – all traffic exchanges allow you to earn credit in return for viewing other member’s web pages. Also look out for bonus credits. Many exchanges will give you bonus credits for signing up, for surfing a certain number of pages, or for winning competitions or sweepstakes.

* Minimum Time Limit – when surfing for credits, most traffic exchanges require you to view a site for a minimum amount of time before you earn a credit. This is normally somewhere between 10 and 30 seconds.

* Anti Cheat Mechanisms – to ensure that a real person is viewing your web site most traffic exchanges employ anti cheating mechanisms. This usually means that instead of clicking a “Next Site” button you have to click on a specific graphic such as a number, letter, picture or coloured icon from a selection of a few, to proceed torepparttar 120211 next site. Repeated failure to do this correctly means suspension or termination of your account.

* Referring Others – this isrepparttar 120212 fastest way to build up your credits. Most traffic exchanges provide you with referral pages and banners. You can use these to recruit yourself a downline. When someone signs up from your promotional web page or banner they are placed in your downline. This can earn you an immediate bonus plus a percentage of your downline’s credits e.g. 1 credit for every 10 sites surfed.

10 Phone Marketing Mistakes to Avoid

Written by Charlie Cook


"I hate making marketing calls. I don’t know what to say and how to say it. I’ve been assigned to find new clients and inrepparttar past 4 weeks I brought in zero new clients."

Do you ever feel this way?

Are you tired of being turned down?

Are you frustrated by your limited success selling onrepparttar 120204 phone?

Making any ofrepparttar 120205 mistakes below takesrepparttar 120206 fun out of your job and can kill your sales.

1. Using Push Versus Pull Marketing Most of us don’t like pushy people who talk about themselves allrepparttar 120207 time. Think about your marketing. Are you constantly pushing information out about yourself, your products and services? This may be pushing prospects away when what you want to do is pull them in.

Focus your marketing on prospects' concerns and offer them something they want. You'll help them, convert them to clients and increase your revenue.

2. Not Generating Enough Qualified Leads Marketing is about starting conversations with prospects so you can learn what they need and help them understandrepparttar 120208 solution you provide. To bring in more business, help more people understand what you do and prompt prospects to contact you.

Does your marketing help you generate enough leads and start a conversation with prospects?

Withrepparttar 120209 right marketing message, advertising copy and online and offline strategy you can generate a steady stream of qualified leads.

3. Responding To Inquiries With an Email or a Letter Nine times out of ten, when you send a prospect a written response to a query, it won't result in a sale. Pick uprepparttar 120210 phone and you can use their questions to start a conversation. With just a couple of additional questions you can learn what their objectives are and then you can sell themrepparttar 120211 solution.

4. Quoting Price Too Soon When prospects call, one ofrepparttar 120212 first questions they ask is about pricing. Tell them right away and you risk endingrepparttar 120213 conversation and losingrepparttar 120214 sale. Dollar figures by themselves are meaningless.

When a prospect asks what you charge, don't tell them until you've had a chance to learn what they want. Then putrepparttar 120215 price inrepparttar 120216 context ofrepparttar 120217 value and quality solutions you provide.

5. Wasting Time With People Who Aren't Buyers No matter how good your system is for qualifying leads, you’ll end up onrepparttar 120218 phone with people who can't afford your services or won't benefit from your products. Conversations like these can take up way too much of your time.

Use your qualifying questions and their responses to determine withinrepparttar 120219 first 3 minutes of a conversation whether or notrepparttar 120220 person you're talking with is a promising prospect. If not, thank them for their inquiry and move on to your next call.

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