Good Leaders Don't Know-It-All Or Do-It All!

Written by Wild Bill Montgomery

The leader of a successful company is like a President, rather than a dictator. He/She must have a Cabinet of good advisers. Every thriving firm that wishes to last must be a one-person business. Butrepparttar one person must have a trusted staff of Helpers, Advisors and/or Managers.

The person who tries to do it all alone will probably die trying with their business soon following. Nobody is so wise that they cannot learn or be too strong to need help.

Quick Look inrepparttar 106800 Mirror: Are yourepparttar 106801 Mr. (Ms or Mrs.) Know-It-All who thinks that if you want a job done right, you have to do it yourself? If so, no better time thanrepparttar 106802 present to start changing that false mirror image that you are using to so cleverly fool yourself.

A successful leader must create a Staff. Just as Captain Kirk, had Spock, McCoy andrepparttar 106803 rest, so does a good business owner need his or her counselors and advisers. Every General has their Colonels. Every Colonel has their Captains and so on. No officer is left completely on their own. This is one ofrepparttar 106804 few wise rules of war. Every employer should have his or her own support group of competent helpers.

Too many business men/women makerepparttar 106805 mistake of doing everything themselves and try to follow every job through on their own. The take false pride in being indispensable. Some will even say to themselves, "If I'm gone for even one day something will surely go wrong". This isrepparttar 106806 type of self-serving self-praise that describes a bad staff organizer.

Seven Ways to Win Friends in Business

Written by Martin Avis

Choosing a name for this article was difficult because every one I came up with paled into insignificance besiderepparttar greatest title ever devised:

"How to Win Friends and Influence People."

Dale Carnegie literally wroterepparttar 106799 book on networking long beforerepparttar 106800 skill even had a name.

That wonderful book has deservedly sold millions of copies worldwide, yetrepparttar 106801 skill of effective networking is still vastly underestimated.

There are seven magic words that every person in business should engrave on their hearts:

'People do business with people they like.'

Networking, as it has come to be understood, is a two- part equation:

1. Expand your list of contacts.

2. Make each of your contacts your friend.

There is simply no point in knowing someone who hates you, or even has no opinion of you. You must have a positive connection. Nothing else will do.


To attract good fortune, spend a new penny on an old friend, share an old pleasure with a new friend and lift uprepparttar 106802 heart of a true friend by writing his name onrepparttar 106803 wings of a dragon. -- Chinese Proverb


There are hundreds of little ways that you can be friendly and positive towards people. I have selected seven which I have proved time and again make a big difference.

1. Call someone up just to say hello.

We are all inundated with calls and emails from people who want something from us. It isrepparttar 106804 nature of this busy world we live in.

But sometimes it is wonderful to get a call from someone who just wants to say hello and asks how you are. Be that somebody. Make a point of NOT wanting anything.

2. Berepparttar 106805 first to offer help.

Downsizing, redundancy and job loss is a fact of life. But how we react to other people's misfortune makes a world of difference.

When you hear that someone you know, however slightly, is out of work, call them up and offer to help.

I was 'downsized' some years ago (it hurt) and I will never forget a man who called me uprepparttar 106806 very next morning and offered me a desk and a phone in his office any time I needed it, as a base for job hunting. I barely knew this guy, and I didn't take him up on it, but his generous offer made him a hero in my eyes.

There are lots of ways you can offer people support - and one day they will be riding high again.

3. If you want a meeting, suggest coffee.

Or cakes, or cookies. There is something about informal eating that bonds people.

One ofrepparttar 106807 most successful salespeople I have ever known often took a box of homemade cakes to her meetings. It brokerepparttar 106808 ice, showed she cared and made her very memorable - they were great cakes.

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