Graduated Driver Licensing

Written by Melih Oztalay

Drivers 16 years of age are at high risk for traffic accidents due to their immaturity and limited driving experience. A series of five research papers published in a September 2002 supplement of Injury Prevention addresses this risk among young drivers. The papers make a compelling case for graduated driver licensing (GDL),repparttar system of laws and practices that gradually introduce young drivers intorepparttar 102713 driving population.

Graduated Driver License programs can be found in 31 states aroundrepparttar 102714 country. The GDL program permit young drivers to safely gain driving experience before obtaining full driving privileges and are generally targeted towards 14 – 17 year old teen drivers.

Most states require an adult with a valid driver’s license be present whenrepparttar 102715 teen is driving. Additionallyrepparttar 102716 teen driver is required to enroll in a certified Drivers Ed course and must hold a learner’s permit for at least 3 – 6 months before taking an “operators driving license” test.

It is during these 3 – 6 months when teen drivers with learner’s permits mostly driverepparttar 102717 family vehicle with their parents. While GDL programs allowrepparttar 102718 teen driver to gain experience in a family vehicle with a parent, other drivers are not aware who is behindrepparttar 102719 wheel of this vehicle.

Stop Wasting Money When You Fill Your Car Up With Gas – Part 1

Written by Tim Gorman

It’s no big secret - gas prices are rapidly rising. For many consumers this can lead to serious financial problems. This article will give you some tips, guidelines, and basic advice for helping you keep reducerepparttar amount of money that you spend each week filling up your vehicle.

If you’re likerepparttar 102712 average driver then you can expect to put 15,000 miles on your vehicle every year and average about 20 miles on a gallon of gas. What this means is that for every 10 cents that gas prices rise you can expect to spend an extra $75 a year. Unfortunately you can’t controlrepparttar 102713 price of gas however, you can change some driving/car habits that will allow you to save money every time you visit a gas pump.

The biggest money waster when it comes to purchasing gasoline for your car is determined based on how well you maintain your vehicle. Since your automobile only uses 15% ofrepparttar 102714 gas you pump into it withrepparttar 102715 rest expended for various other reasons in behooves you to take care of your car. Always performrepparttar 102716 regularly scheduled maintenance on your vehicle in order to keep it running smoothly and most importantly efficiently. This will allow it to userepparttar 102717 gasoline you put into it more economically and allow your car to become more pocketbook friendly.

Sometimes it pays to be a smart gasoline shopper. What that means is to keep your eyes open in order to spotrepparttar 102718 lowest advertised price at gas stations as you do your normal daily driving routines. I’m not advocating that you actively go search forrepparttar 102719 cheapest gas since this will increaserepparttar 102720 amount of miles you drive and end up actually costing you more money then you would save. Just be a conscious observer and when you spot a cheaper price for gas then you would normally pay feel free to stop and fill your car up.

One ofrepparttar 102721 ways that you can save more money atrepparttar 102722 gas pump is by using a gasoline credit card. Normally when you use a gasoline card you receive a 5 or 10 percent rebate back onrepparttar 102723 purchase of your gas. This rebate can be significant and can add up to anywhere from $75 to $300 in a given year. Of courserepparttar 102724 amount is dependant onrepparttar 102725 number of times you fill up and requires you to consistently use your gasoline card for all gas purchases.

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