Guess who else has a problem with confidence?

Written by Jo Ball

When I tell you what I heard you’ll be able to laugh at what you believe is your own lack of confidence.

I couldn’t believe it. Sunday, in a queue, in my local food-store an Olympic athlete stood behind me, chatting to another Olympic athlete. I looked atrepparttar contents of my shopping cart and wondered, which item I could get them to autograph! That is until I overheard them talking…

You see, I thought only you and me suffered from confidence problems. I thought we wererepparttar 128576 only ones who’d looked at a guy and thought he’d never feel attracted to a women like us. I thought we wererepparttar 128577 only ones who felt unworthy of going forrepparttar 128578 better job. I thought we wererepparttar 128579 only ones who over ate. I thought we wererepparttar 128580 only ones who talked ourselves down and felt like we don’t deserve anything nice. But what I discovered is that we’re not.

Standing in that queue on Sunday taught me that an Olympic athlete hasrepparttar 128581 gold medal of lowest confidence, and, to be honest she can have it!

And then on Monday I get an email from a friend who has moved intorepparttar 128582 boardroom – a top level job, for which she’s been given allrepparttar 128583 perks. When I asked her how it was going she said, “I feel like a fifteen year-old in an adult’s playground. They’ll find me out any minute. They’ll see I’m no good.” Then I heard this…

Your Saturn Return -- Is it Bigger than both of Us?

Written by Nancy R. Fenn

This email came today because I’mrepparttar nation’s Saturn Return expert.

“Hi there Nancy.

”I have been reading over your info. My birthday is July 25, 1975. I am a little confused about your website. In one section, it says that my Saturn return happened Aug. 29, 2004-Sept. 6, 2004. In another section, it says that it is also happening again this coming May for 10 days. Are there 2 in one year? Can you explain this?

"I went through a horrible period of sudden health problems, anxiety, and emotional despair out of nowhere duringrepparttar 128574 period in Aug.-Sept. It was one ofrepparttar 128575 most frightening periods of my life. I haven't felt like my old self completely since. I never had any anxiety in my life, but it has been coming and going since then. Do you have any insight? I am really not looking forward to something similar in May.

”Thanks so much for any help. i appreciate it. Take care. Talk to you soon. Best- AR"

I wanted to share AR’s letter with you because her questions are such good ones. Not everyone has as tough a time with their Saturn Return as poor AR. I really feel for her. But many do and it’s time to prepare for this mighty event in your life if you’re between 28-30 years old.

This was my answer.

There are usually three times when Saturn is atrepparttar 128576 exact place it was when you were born,repparttar 128577 Saturn Return. For AR this will be: 1.August 29-September 6, 2004 2.January 13-23, 2005 3.May17-26, 2005

For some people it only happens once but that is unusual. For most people it is three different times within a period of about a year. On my site I indicaterepparttar 128578 first ofrepparttar 128579 three dates because of time and space constraints. If you get a full reading from me or another astrologer, you will be givenrepparttar 128580 exact three dates.

The point of Saturn Return though is this statement: "I haven't felt like my old self completely since".

AR will not ever berepparttar 128581 same because Saturn Return is an initiation. Her old self is no more!

The actual transit lasts a few weeks butrepparttar 128582 effect lasts forrepparttar 128583 next 30 years ... AR is being initiated intorepparttar 128584 current lifetime, into adulthood and being introduced torepparttar 128585 issues she chose to handle in this incarnation, just like you will be if you are between 28-30.

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