HI-Rel Corporation Selects Beach Access Leasing Option

Written by Rocky Smolin

E-Z-MRP,repparttar leading manufacturing software system for small manufacturers, announced a new pricing and product structure. According to Rocky Smolin, founder of Beach Access Software, makers of E-Z-MRP, “We see a distinction between those small manufacturers with less than five hundred parts in material resource planning, and those with a need for virtually unlimited part numbers.”

Companies like Hi-Rel Corporation have utilized this delineation recently by leasingrepparttar 136957 E-Z MRP system for manufacturers with more than 500 parts. According to Jerry Stouffer, “It made sense given our cash flow and I would recommend E-Z-MRP to other small manufacturers becauserepparttar 136958 support is excellent andrepparttar 136959 product is easy to work with.”

Stouffer did suggest that manufacturers looking for a customer relations management module should look at something else. However he was impressed with, “…How fast it (E-Z-MRP) calculates our requirements. I have 800 items inrepparttar 136960 database and it only takes 20 seconds.”

Small manufacturers with more than about a hundred parts can no longer managerepparttar 136961 manufacturing process manually or on an Excel spreadsheet. Since more than 84% of all manufacturers have less than fifty employees, there is a remarkable opportunity for cost-effective manufacturing systems like E-Z-MRP. Despiterepparttar 136962 extensive media coverage regarding ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), in most cases these small manufacturers do not require allrepparttar 136963 functionality offered, nor can many affordrepparttar 136964 price point.

Making the Financial Transition.

Written by Damien Senn

Makingrepparttar financial transition from paid employment to earning a living on your own is probablyrepparttar 136956 single biggest challenge facing many would be entrepreneurs. For most,repparttar 136957 mere thought of financial insecurity holds them back from even trying. But if you haverepparttar 136958 vision, persistence andrepparttar 136959 ability to respond to market feedbackrepparttar 136960 financial rewards will soon follow.

Two ways to makerepparttar 136961 transition.

There are essentially two main ways that you can makerepparttar 136962 financial transition.

1. Establish a revenue stream before you quit your job.

2. Quit your job and then build a revenue stream before your start-up capital runs out!

Establish a revenue stream before you quit your job.

Establishing a revenue stream whilst you continue to work, for most people is probablyrepparttar 136963 more sensible ofrepparttar 136964 two options.

The advantage of this approach is that it gives yourepparttar 136965 freedom to try things out at your own pace to see if there is a market for your pro or service before you actually cut off your regular income stream from your job.

A disadvantage of this approach is that it is often hard to devoterepparttar 136966 time necessary to get your business up and running particularly if you have a demanding full time job. Another slightly less obvious disadvantage is thatrepparttar 136967 comfort of a regular income may make you less prepared to takerepparttar 136968 risks necessary to make your business succeed.

Quit your job and build a revenue stream before your start-up capital runs out!*

Now this isrepparttar 136969 riskier ofrepparttar 136970 two strategies and definitely not forrepparttar 136971 faint hearted!

The advantage of this approach is that you have all your time to dedicate to your new venture. Another bonus isrepparttar 136972 uncomfortable fact that you don’t have a regular income stream yet. It’s incredible what you can achieve in life when you place you self in a position where you absolutely must succeed. This fact alone, if channelled effectively can rapidly propel you towardsrepparttar 136973 achievement of your goal!

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