Written by Mason Duchatschek

“If they can fog a mirror we’ll hire them.” “If their crimes weren’t too bad, we’ll give them a job.” “We’ll hire whatever applicants we can get.” Sound familiar? When I hear statements like that from people who call themselves professionals, I cringe. The problem is that I have been cringing a lot lately. Low unemployment has frustrated many employers and managers who are finding thatrepparttar old ways of doing things don’t cut it anymore. Sure it’s easy to complain and say that there aren’t enough applicants to be overly particular. After all, low unemployment is real andrepparttar 106687 excuse is a valid one. It’s easy to rationalize that it isn’trepparttar 106688 company’s fault that economic growth has diminished applicant pools in terms of both quantity and quality. However, successful companies and successful people don’t accept excuses, and they won’t let rationalizations cover up their need to deal with formidable challenges. They won’t toleraterepparttar 106689 lowering of hiring standards. Companies that must add employees to grow and prosper have two choices. They can either: A. Lower hiring standards, or B. Raise hiring standards andrepparttar 106690 effort necessary to achieve those standards. At first glance, Option A sounds likerepparttar 106691 easiest. But is it? Additional time and resources must be allotted to deal withrepparttar 106692 increase in problems frequently associated with hiring mistakes:

How to Get Organised for Xmas

Written by Lorraine Pirihi

Let’s make sure that this year you are really prepared forrepparttar Xmas onslaught. It’s an interesting time...extremely stressful for many people. There’srepparttar 106686 pressure to complete projects, plan for 2002 and so many extra invitations. On top of that you probably have to decide on gifts and Xmas cards for your clients, suppliers, friends, family and anyone else you can think of.

And how about that long awaited and very much needed holiday you have to book? I bet you’ve been looking forward to leaving home for a few days/weeks along withrepparttar 106687 rest of Australia. Come to think of it, maybe it would be easier and less stressful to stay home and relax.

If you get started now with your preparations you’ll breeze throughrepparttar 106688 next few weeks with minimal stress.

Getting Organised for The Silly Season

#1 What Have You Achieved This Year?

Take stock. Did you reach your goals this year?

What will you do differently next year? Write out a list of where you are now and what you want to achieve by Xmas 2002. How will you do that? Have a list of personal and business goals. Write a completion date next to each goal. (See How to Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions Vol.3.18 for further details on goalsetting).

#2 Plan and Organise Your Training for 2002

What skills do you and your team need to improve? Organise it now so you can startrepparttar 106689 New Year with a bang. Perhaps a “Get Organised for Success in 2002” workshop or seminar presented by yours truly (that’s me). You’ll learn simple, easy to implement strategies, which will motivate you andrepparttar 106690 troops to take action and kick some serious butt. A great way to crank uprepparttar 106691 New Year.

#3 Plan Your Holiday

Do it now! Where are you going to go to replenish your work-worn body? Maybe you can stay at home, visit a few friends, lie onrepparttar 106692 beach and veg out.

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