Hiring Executives That Are A Perfect Fit

Written by Kathi Graham-Leviss

© Kathi Graham-Leviss http://www.xbcoaching.com

If we had to define executives in one word, that word would be “visionaries.” Executives are people who have an uncanny ability to grasp and understand long-term goals and broad ideas... and to communicate them to others. They are dreamers whose creative and analytical attributes come together to hold an idea and see it through to realization. They are alsorepparttar people who recruit others to support that vision.

But what exactly makes for a great executive? After all, many people can latch ontorepparttar 106682 “big picture” but don’t possess other qualities that are necessary for leading an entire organization toward success.

One tool,repparttar 106683 DISC Behavior Model, offers tremendous insight intorepparttar 106684 behavioral styles of applicants. Through some unique insights, you can definerepparttar 106685 characteristics needed for your position and thus be able to hirerepparttar 106686 executive that’s a perfect fit for your corporation.

DISC stands for Dominance, Influence, Steadiness and Compliance. Each one of these four styles possesses observable behavioral traits that can contribute to or diminish job performance.

Let’s define a few characteristics necessary for executives to be truly successful. The first traits that usually come to mind are:

Changes to International Health Insurance

Written by Tony Novak

Those who travel overseas for business or vacation may want to know that two ofrepparttar world's largest international health insurance plans - “Atlas Travel” andrepparttar 106681 “International Citizen Medical Plan” insured by Lloyds of London have changed coverage and rates effective January 1, 2002. The coverage levels are increased forrepparttar 106682 new policies andrepparttar 106683 premium cost is proportionately higher.

These plans are specifically designed to deal withrepparttar 106684 language issues, currency translation and business practices

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