How-To 'Bond Like Super-Glue' With Your Subscribers!

Written by Michael Green

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How-To 'Bond Like Super-Glue' With Your Subscribers!

By Michael Green


Every successful Ezine editor knows one thing that all failing editors have yet to learn...

"If you’re going to make 'real' money from your Ezine newsletter, by earning cash every time you hitrepparttar 'Send' key to dispatch your latest edition; then first you need to gainrepparttar 108224 undying trust and devotion of your list of subscribers in fact, you've got to 'Bond like Super-Glue' to each and every one of your readers!"


But where doesrepparttar 108225 average Ezine owner get their hands on that kind of 'Subscriber Bonding-Substance?'

The answer is that an Ezine editor has to make their own glue and it takes a little time, perseverance and effort!

You see people buy products once trust has been developed (not before) and too many list owners makerepparttar 108226 basic mistake of trying to putrepparttar 108227 kart beforerepparttar 108228 horse. They attempt to 'hard-sell' products that they are affiliated to, right from issue number #1 of their Ezine. But unfortunately - they fail to realize that trust has yet to be built-up betweenrepparttar 108229 newsletter and its readers. And that is fatal!


Nobody wants to be hard-sold to by a virtual or complete stranger, and that's inrepparttar 108230 real offline world. You can multiply that old maxim by a hundred inrepparttar 108231 scam-rich online environment.

Now Ezine list owners who forget that they promised their readership quality, useful and informative information - when they first signed up - are thenrepparttar 108232 exact same people who are most surprised when they discover that they’re not making a decent return from their online efforts.


Recently an Ezine owner contacted me anxious to discover why his own Ezine (with a 5,000 subscriber base) was failing to make profits.

I asked to see a copy and when I did,repparttar 108233 answer was shockingly obvious...

1. There was no original content of benefit torepparttar 108234 reader. 2. EVERY link was an affiliate program he was signed up to. 3. The editor made no attempt to befriendrepparttar 108235 reader. 4. No sense of which anglerepparttar 108236 Ezine was coming from. 5. There was nothing to indicate who it was aimed at either.

Classifying Customers and Identify Profit Centers for your Business

Written by Justin Hitt, Strategic Relations Consultant,

By grouping and mapping outrepparttar relationships you have with your customers, you can do more to finding profit centers in your business than anything else. This exercise will go a long way to demonstrate to you that not all customers are created equally; in fact, some are much more profitable than others are. We will touch on reasons why you should classify customers, how to describe your supply chain, ways to define customers, and finally how to map your distribution channels.

Classifying customers is very important to identifying profit centers in your business because classifications help target prospects for sales, determines how different customers respond to your marketing, and helps you anticipate their future needs. Through better targeting, you extend your reach, increase your closing ratios, and help target buying customers with your sales efforts. Customers do not all respondrepparttar 108223 same to marketing, but knowingrepparttar 108224 appropriate triggers and channels of distribution will help you customize your marketing for maximum results. As you group your customers, notice places where your product wears out or needs to be replaced, these areas reveal possible service options and influencers of new purchases.

In describing your supply chain, outline who is involved in supportingrepparttar 108225 customer, whether it is a distributor-reseller-customer relationship or a hybrid system, and ask several critical questions that will produce clarity in this process. Using simple diagrams outline each ofrepparttar 108226 individual organizations involved in providing services to your customers, will highlight opportunities for teamwork and improved communications. You may find a traditional supply chain supports your product, look at ways to grow or improverepparttar 108227 demand of your product through others. Create ideas from whatever type of supply chain you have by asking some critical questions; Who supportsrepparttar 108228 customer? What do they do? Why doesrepparttar 108229 customer go to them?

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