How I Made $4,000,000 on a $0 Ad Budget. Mostly...

Written by Mark Joyner

Dead Rule Of Internet Marketing #1 - Make Everything Sound Bigger Than It Really Is

I'm as guilty of this as anyone. I'm guilty of it inrepparttar very title of this article.

Here'srepparttar 121762 deal - we sold a high traffic website for $4,000,000. The advertising and marketing budget forrepparttar 121763 site was $0. That'srepparttar 121764 reality. I'll show you how I did this in a moment. Inrepparttar 121765 meantime, let's take a sober look atrepparttar 121766 harsh reality of this deal.

"$0 Ad Budget"? Yes. "No Cost"? No Way!

While we paid $0 for advertising per se, what we had to pay in terms of time and effort was great. You, too, should be prepared to sacrifice. You *can* generate great business without an ad budget, but, let's get real - it takes effort.

Marketing on a $0 budget is like North Viet Nam fightingrepparttar 121767 United States: The U.S. had big guns - The Viet Cong had speed and ingenuity. When you're up against companies that have big budgets, you have to out-think them and use your smaller size and agility to your advantage. The problem is, this fast movement takes energy - lots of energy.

I could listrepparttar 121768 thousands of ways this endeavor tried to sap my energy day in and day out. Rather than bore you withrepparttar 121769 minutia, I'll pass onrepparttar 121770 wisdom that allowed me to succeed:

If someone tells you that you are crazy or that you will never succeed, this isrepparttar 121771 big voice inrepparttar 121772 sky telling you that you're on to something big. Sometimes it will seem that you have suffered an irreparable setback. If you're alive enough to think about it, you haven't. "$4,000,000?" Yes. "$4,000,000 in Mark Joyner's Pocket?" Ha. Ha. You Kill Me.

The sale of SearchHound was for $3,000,000 in cash and $1,000,000 in strike warrants. The warrants could end up being worth much more thanrepparttar 121773 cash amount - or they could mean nothing at all. I'm focusing in onrepparttar 121774 cash. The company that purchased SearchHound is a fast mover for sure, and if I were an investor, I'd jump in on their IPOrepparttar 121775 moment it hits - but I don't playrepparttar 121776 market. I'm a marketer, pure and simple.

Now, after I pay off our broker, give 1/2 ofrepparttar 121777 remaining proceeds to my founding partner (who designedrepparttar 121778 technical back-end), payrepparttar 121779 tax man, and give a sizeable bonus to my staff (I go to sleep thankful every night that I have them), I'll end up with just over $1,000,000 in my pocket. And then there are those warrants.

So, having a cool million in my pocket after taxes and all is not bad. It's not $4M, though. If you think I should have received more, send me an email and I'll send a reply from my yacht. (I'm kidding aboutrepparttar 121780 yacht - most ofrepparttar 121781 money will go intorepparttar 121782 expansion of my primary business. If you're a competitor,repparttar 121783 answer is: "yes, you should be afraid - very afraid".)

How I Did It on a $0 Ad Budget

The actual marketing plan itself was very simple. I did not create a standard marketing plan like they teach you in school. Some people swear by them, but I just don't find it necessary (if you think I'm crazy for not using a standard marketing plan, send me an email and I'll send a reply - from my yacht! - OK. OK. I'll stop withrepparttar 121784 yacht jokes).

What I did was create an Internet Marketing Battle Plan. If you've read my course then you already know what I'm talking about. The Internet Marketing Battle Plan is a system I created which can be applied to any website for any purpose, consisting of a series of "Killer Tactics" tailored to your particular situation.

All Along the Digital Watchtower

Written by Lee Traupel

Its no secret interactive (web-based) marketing has arrived. The IDC research group just released a study in late June of this year indicating 99.9% of a survey of executives and entrepreneurs said they currently conduct online marketing activities, or, are inrepparttar process of implementing or initiating some form of interactive marketing. The problem or challenge that many of these executives (marketing, management, etc.) and entrepreneurs (marketing, principals, etc.) have is how do they measure their online presence?

Most interactive marketing types, whether they are agencies working for/with clients or in house personnel typically just measure a company's return for a specific process or period of time. Many never think to actively monitor what a company's competitive position is vis-à-vis Search Engines or Directory Listings,repparttar 121761 number of links they have pointing back to their web site or what type of "net buzz" is being generated (positive or negative) viarepparttar 121762 Usenet/Newsgroup community – in short, its digital warfare andrepparttar 121763 fog of war is obscuringrepparttar 121764 battle lines.

Entrepreneurial competitive intelligence sounds like a real mouthful, or much more than it is. Basically its using offrepparttar 121765 shelf tools (software or ASP services) to understand what your page 1-3 keyword rankings are versus your direct competitors viarepparttar 121766 top tier Search Engines (Google, AltaVista, Excite, AOL/NetFind, HotBot, Netscape, Magellan, Lycos, Web Crawler) and how and where your company is listed viarepparttar 121767 blue chip Directories (Yahoo, LookSmart, Open Directory), what's your link popularity (number of links pointing back to a web site) and/or how many Usenet/Newsgroup posts are being made about your company, products or services? Usenet/Newsgroups can in fact be an extremely valuable resource for unearthing competitive intelligence about a direct competitor's products or services – "Usenet/Newsgroup mining" certainly works well for United, IBM, Microsoft and many other corporations.

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