How I lost A million Dollars In A Bank Robbery

Written by Gerald Armstrong

You have my permission to publish this article electronically or in print, free of charge, as long asrepparttar bylines are included. A courtesy copy of your publication would be appreciated. How I Lost A Million Dollars In A Bank Robbery

The Million dollars was my life-savings earmarked for primerepparttar 114598 pump money for my biotech start-up. I amrepparttar 114599 Gerald Armstrongrepparttar 114600 owner of Gen Cells Cures…Gen Cells Cures is focused on private medical research forrepparttar 114601 individual. Searching forrepparttar 114602 cure for incurable diseases and aging. Of course, withrepparttar 114603 best scientific technologies onrepparttar 114604 planet! With President Bush trying to riderepparttar 114605 middle ofrepparttar 114606 road on stem cell research and his rejection of therapeutic cloning. I packed my bags and went offshore. A great place to go, but leave your money at home. I transferredrepparttar 114607 money to a carribean island andrepparttar 114608 local banker stole every last penny. The local government gave me backrepparttar 114609 money, but in their currency then devaluedrepparttar 114610 currency almost 100% and I walked away flat broke. The banker also robbed 2.2 billion dollars ofrepparttar 114611 local folks money. He bought himself out ofrepparttar 114612 scandel and is enjoying my million along withrepparttar 114613 other billions he robbed and his new helocopters and yahts in his home-country! I am pretty sure he will show up onrepparttar 114614 Forbes billionaire list next year. Not a bad business…Robbing banks , if you haverepparttar 114615 conscience for it! Don’t worry aboutrepparttar 114616 country,repparttar 114617 International Monetary Fund stepped in to replacerepparttar 114618 stolen money, no questions asked. The American Embassy screamed for justice inrepparttar 114619 scandel but to no avail. Afterrepparttar 114620 electric company cut my lights for non-payment I lost all of my cell lines and had to shut downrepparttar 114621 lab. Chris Reeve had expressed an

Fillings Get Smaller…and Smaller

Written by Judith Sloan

By Judith Sloan—We all remember going torepparttar dentist, opening wide, and listening with held breath while he examined our teeth for decay. “Please, no cavities,” we prayed.

With his prickly instrument in hand, our dentist probed every tooth, looking for “soft” spots where decay had invaded our once hard, pristine dental enamel. And whenrepparttar 114597 point found its quarry, a tiny spot of decay, he would nod and say, “We’ve got a small one here. We’ll watch to see if it grows into something.”

No longer. Fast-forward to 2004, andrepparttar 114598 prickly instrument takes a back seat to a high-tech laser probe that lands a preemptive strike inrepparttar 114599 battle against decay.

Make way for “Minimally Invasive Dentistry.” The mouthful of words means simply that dentists no longer allow dots of decay to advance into large craters. Armed withrepparttar 114600 ultimate in high-tech sleuthing, they now set out to find decay—atrepparttar 114601 earliest possible moment.

“Now we can absolutely eliminate many large fillings that lead to cracked teeth, crowns and other more invasive treatment,” says Dr. Daniel J. Deutsch, ofrepparttar 114602 Washington Center for Dentistry in Washington, DC.

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