How To Get Ahead On A Low Income

Written by Mandy Nield

Do you struggle from week to week trying to make ends meet? Are you consistently going without things that you really wish you could afford? Well I have some possible and practical solutions to your dilemma:


There are many ideas that you could adopt to help your hard earned dollars buy more than you could before (or so it seems!) ·Do you take your lunch to work? You could save between $15 -$25 per week, if you packed it yourself. You’d have to make it interesting so you weren’t tempted to go and buy something else. ·Make your lunchbox food, and that of your children, rather than buying stuff. It is so much cheaper and often tastier! Start making cakes, biscuits and slices etc. If you have a bread maker, make bread and home made rolls forrepparttar kids. Get them to design their own shapes, they’ll love it. If you add uprepparttar 150127 costs of bought biscuits, cakes, muesli bars, etc, you’d realise this could be a huge saving, and considerably better for you. It’s just a training and prioritising exercise, you can do it if you really really want to saverepparttar 150128 money. ·Do you eat out regularly, or have a coffee or supper at a café? Why not consider having friends over or going to their place for tea or a night out. Play games, watch a video, whatever. This would be great fun but importantly, A LOT CHEAPER. One video hire for $7 compared to all of you paying $12 each to go torepparttar 150129 movies. A meal out could cost $70 for 2 people quite easily, and that often doesn’t include drinks. You could have a great dinner party for that – and share it around at friend’s places so you all get a turn of cooking and resting as well as sharingrepparttar 150130 costs. ·Menu planning is a great way I’ve found to reduce my weekly shopping bill. Menu planning involves deciding atrepparttar 150131 start ofrepparttar 150132 week what you’ll eat EVERY night (and day) that week. Include a couple of pasta dishes or cheapies like tuna mornay or whatever. Determine what ingredients you’ll need for all these meals and then only shop for those items. You’ll find you wont haverepparttar 150133 waste and you wont buy ‘onrepparttar 150134 spur ofrepparttar 150135 moment’ items. This could also save about $20 - $50 per week (depending on your family and tastes etc)

If you put your mind to it, I’m sure you could come up with heaps more ideas of HOW you could make your income go further.

2.If you have your belt pulled in as tightly as you can, and you really can’t find any areas of your life that you could spend less, then perhaps you could try and increase your income. I don’t mean ask your boss for a pay rise either. There are many ideas of earning extra income at home e.g. home based business ideas or running your own internet business. Both of these ideas are cheap and easy to start up, you just have to know how and where. I won’t go into any detail here, you may want to chase up some of my other articles later.

Mortgage Clarksville - Find the best deal

Written by Mark Lambie

Searching for a mortgage can sometimes be a hassle. Where to apply, who to apply with, what deal to take. These are all questions you may be asking yourself. The good news is it doesn't have to be a pain to findrepparttar best mortgage Clarksville.

The first step in finding a mortgage loan is to seek out local brokers that will sit down with you to discuss you options and situation. There are many factors that may determine what kind of a loan is best. You may want to think about how long you plan to be in your home, you current income available for mortgage payments and you credit history. These factors can all come into play with your mortgage plan so it's a good idea to ask a broker directly and work out a plan to fit your needs.

The next step in findingrepparttar 150082 best deal is to get a second opinion. This is a good idea as it allows you to compare what your local brokers are offering to lenders acrossrepparttar 150083 country. You may be thinking that will take a long time and will be very confusing. How can you apply to multiple lenders

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