How to Lose Belly Fat: Latest Secrets from the Research Labs, Part 2

Written by David L. Kern

In this series of articles, you will learn exactly how to lose belly fat, using 10 proven techniques from medical studies and laboratories aroundrepparttar world. ________________________________

Abdominal fat is now seen as a growing health hazard, an indicator and contributor to “Syndrome X,” or metabolic syndrome. The risks of metabolic syndrome go far beyond a bulge at your waistline, and include heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes.

If you’re over 40, it’s time to get serious about reducing your abdominal fat. Not just for your waistline, but to dramatically reduce your risk of chronic disease.

How to Lose Belly Fat: Secret #2 - DHEA

DHEA is a human hormone that has also been found in certain types of yams. While some ofrepparttar 131157 research on DHEA and fat loss is inconclusive, a new study published inrepparttar 131158 prestigious JAMA (Journal ofrepparttar 131159 American Medical Association) in 2004 is turning heads.

Inrepparttar 131160 JAMA study, 28 men and 28 women, ranging from 65 to 78 years of age, took 50 mg. of non-prescription DHEA for 6 months. The DHEA treatment produced “significant decreases” in both abdominal fat and ordinary fat. In addition, insulin sensitivity was also substantially improved.

The researchers concluded that “DHEA replacement could play a role in prevention and treatment ofrepparttar 131161 metabolic syndrome associated with abdominal obesity.” Primarily, I would add, in elderly people- or people with low levels of DHEA.

The Integrity Diet—how To Lose The Dead Weight In Your Life

Written by Jim Jenkins

Everywhere I turn, people are on some kind of a diet. Whether it’s Atkins or South Beach, people are obsessed withrepparttar right mix in their food choices to reach their ultimate weight. Of course,repparttar 131156 most popular diets involve carbohydrates and proteins. The idea behind these diets is that foods are divided more or less into three categories:

Proteins—Chicken breasts and salmon (all good)

Good Carbs—Whole grains and leafy vegetables (necessary, but in moderation)

Bad Carbs—Breads, pizza crusts, and pastas (avoid these unless you want to stay overweight).

It’s a structure that also applies pretty well torepparttar 131157 people that surround us.

People Proteins

We all know our proteins. These arerepparttar 131158 people who bring outrepparttar 131159 best in us and give us energy and support, reinforce our drive to achieve, and help us grow personally and professionally. These can include our mentors, our most unconditionally supportive or inspirational friends, our spouses and partners, and our children.

Good Carb People

The good carbs may berepparttar 131160 trickiest to identify. These can be friends and associates who are generally good influences, and provide useful help, but may be best experienced in small doses. Maybe these are loyal colleagues who provide useful support at work but maybe they lackrepparttar 131161 same drive we do. Or they can be good friends who care about us and are always there to lend an ear or can always be counted onrepparttar 131162 make us laugh, but may have a few bad habits we don’t want to rub off on us.

You can’t and shouldn’t get rid of good carbs, since they do provide some value in your life, but you have to be careful not to spend too much time with them or rely on them too heavily.

Bad Carb People

Of course, you can easily recognizerepparttar 131163 bad carbs in your life. These arerepparttar 131164 toxic people who waste our time, drain our energy, dampen our self-esteem or try to influence us inrepparttar 131165 wrong direction.

These arerepparttar 131166 “friends” who envy everything we achieve and posses, and try to undermine us, usually just atrepparttar 131167 moments when we are feeling good about what is going on in our lives. Have you ever heard a “friend” downplay a promotion (“Well, you must not have had much competition”) or try to make us insecure about our appearance (“So, you wore that torepparttar 131168 interview and they still gave yourepparttar 131169 job?”) Too often,repparttar 131170 underminers in our lives are old friends who we have tolerated out of a misplaced—and unreciprocated—sense of loyalty. And sadly, sometimes they are family members. If you want to investigate this further, check outrepparttar 131171 new book The The Underminer: The Best Friend Who Casually Destroys Your Life by Mike Albo and Virginia Heffernan.

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