How to Obtain a Patent: The inner-workings of the U.S. Patent Office

Written by Paul Johnson

The United States works differently than other countries when it comes to giving patents. Inrepparttar U.S., it doesn't necessarily matter who first applied forrepparttar 137433 patent (the process may take up to a year to complete).

What does matter, however, is who came up withrepparttar 137434 original composite forrepparttar 137435 invention first. If an inventor can prove that s/he came up with a tangible product before someone else, then they will be grantedrepparttar 137436 right torepparttar 137437 patent.

It's best, givenrepparttar 137438 information above, to sketch your idea for a product with descriptions on how it works. Then,repparttar 137439 inventor, along with two witnesses should sign and date it in front of an official notary.

Following, keeprepparttar 137440 composite in a safe location while you are applying forrepparttar 137441 provisional or regular patent, while working on your invention.

A provisional patent application fromrepparttar 137442 U.S. Patent and Trademark Office provides a confirmation torepparttar 137443 date whenrepparttar 137444 invention was first invented, or whenrepparttar 137445 composite was completed. This wayrepparttar 137446 inventor doesn't have to necessarily have completedrepparttar 137447 invention in its entirety.

The inventor needs to file a regular patent application withrepparttar 137448 USPTO within one year ofrepparttar 137449 provisional application.

An inventor, once ready to fully patent his invention, may have to hire an official patent attorney or agent. Then,repparttar 137450 patent attorney or agent can conduct a search which checks to see thatrepparttar 137451 invention is original, and that it hasn't already been filed. Oncerepparttar 137452 uniqueness ofrepparttar 137453 new invention is confirmed,repparttar 137454 inventor has to fill out a specification (or description), two or more composites and an official claim form.

Patents 101 - The Basics Of Patent Applications

Written by Paul Johnson

A patent is an official document given by a national government to an inventor (or business or corporation) who wishes to have sole rights over a product for a limited amount of time. Oncerepparttar patent is granted, no one else hasrepparttar 137432 right to make, sell, market, or profit fromrepparttar 137433 invention.

Inrepparttar 137434 United States,repparttar 137435 U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) allows inventors and patent owners (including businesses and corporations) to protect their products and identification from others. Information can be found at

Not just anything can be patented. In fact, obtaining a patent may prove difficult givenrepparttar 137436 necessary paperwork, research and signatures needed. In order to obtain one,repparttar 137437 invention has to be brand new. This new invention has to also be useful, original, and not easily created. Inrepparttar 137438 United States, these products might be machines, compositions or methods, and manufactured products. Ideas cannot be patented, nor can products that have been "improved" or which have "changed" in size.

Plant patents, which protect non-pollinating plants, utility patents that protect regular, new inventions, and design patents, which protectrepparttar 137439 look or creativity of a tangible product, are examples ofrepparttar 137440 types of patents that exist underrepparttar 137441 USPTO.

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